Artist > Stuff you've done already! - show it off

Johnson's Kids Shirt

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Nice work man, looks a bit clean though, if I may be so bold to crit, but that's gonna win you praise with customer and target audience.
So, in case you haven't figured, I dig it. I like all your work.
I still think you should get loaded sometime while you're in a drawing mood though.


--- Quote from: Chadwick on July 22, 2011, 11:51:06 PM ---Nice work man, looks a bit clean though, if I may be so bold to crit, but that's gonna win you praise with customer and target audience.
So, in case you haven't figured, I dig it. I like all your work.
I still think you should get loaded sometime while you're in a drawing mood though.

--- End quote ---

Thanks Chad!

I know what you mean... it looks clean from way back there, especially since my inking is usually done in Illustrator for geometrics... but here's a closer look at the painting. I like brush strokes!

Is that no anti aliasing at 300 or 600 dpi?


--- Quote from: Inkwerks on July 23, 2011, 11:34:27 PM ---Is that no anti aliasing at 300 or 600 dpi?

--- End quote ---

No anti-aliasing @ 300ppi.

Soft edge brushes for the gradients, hard-edged for the detail and smaller areas.

Final art is 9.5" wide.

You know, for kids.

I haven't been here in a bit.  I saw this elsewhere and loved it.  I re-loved it today...that's double loved.

Great piece.  I appreciate the comparison, but I'm not even in the same room with this guy.

Big fan Scott...3 times love it.



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