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crazy hobbies . .

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Yes sir!. That is really me. I have been doing that for about 18 years off and on. I also race an off road car for a buddy of mine. I was a Crew Chief for a professional off road racing team for a couple of years as a day job before diving into screen printing. Im pretty much a gear head through and

blue moon:
OK, we need to hear more!!!

what are you running and fast does it go?


Right now its about a 530 cubic inch big block Chevy. Fuel injected running on alcohol. Right now the class that we run in does 8.60 seconds in the 1/4 mile at 165 mph. A few years back we had a blown big block with the same type of old school fuel injection on it and I was in the low 7s at 199 mph. Its still a sore subject because I wanted to do 200 so Its a blast. Probably the same rush as jumping out of that plane. The acceleration is hard to explain to people. You know your going fast when you feel your insides against your rib cage when the chute gets pulled.


--- Quote from: Inkwerks on April 20, 2011, 01:18:46 PM ---Heres me two weeks ago. Adrenaline is a good thing.


--- End quote ---

I think I've asked you before. If so disregard this as MY memory leaks... Do you know my buddy Jeff Utterback??? Racer, builder, drummer and all around funny guy.

blue moon:

--- Quote from: Inkwerks on April 20, 2011, 05:45:37 PM ---Right now its about a 530 cubic inch big block Chevy. Fuel injected running on alcohol. Right now the class that we run in does 8.60 seconds in the 1/4 mile at 165 mph. A few years back we had a blown big block with the same type of old school fuel injection on it and I was in the low 7s at 199 mph. Its still a sore subject because I wanted to do 200 so Its a blast. Probably the same rush as jumping out of that plane. The acceleration is hard to explain to people. You know your going fast when you feel your insides against your rib cage when the chute gets pulled.

--- End quote ---

funny thing is, there is not much acceleration in skydiving. The plane is going 100 mph when you leave so all you are doing is converting the horizontal to vertical movement. The deceleration is another story. Try 120 to 15 in about two seconds. Pretty big jolt!

I've tried to break the 200mph skydiving, got close, but not as close as you. I'd have to check my logs, but probably right around 180. 



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