Author Topic: Shop management - emailing invoices with payment options  (Read 1712 times)

Offline head north

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Shop management - emailing invoices with payment options
« on: October 28, 2013, 08:09:43 AM »
Do any of the shop management programs let you email an invoice to a customer with a link to pay it online (so the customer is entering their CC info and we don't have to get it/type it in) ?  Looks like Printavo has that option but we were looking for something a little more robust (PriceIt, TeeCal, T-Works, etc).
Those of you running PriceIt, I see that it's integrated with but do you have to type in the CC info yourself or do you have an option to have the customer pay through an emailed link?
Head North Printing

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Re: Shop management - emailing invoices with payment options
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2013, 08:23:52 AM »
We use PriceIt and I don't think this is possible. I could be totally wrong, but I don't remember anywhere you could set this up. When you email a invoice it just attaches a .pdf or a .png of the actual invoice.  You may be able to set up a link in the body of the default text that is in the email though.
That being said,  the guys at PriceIt are great and it wouldn't surprise me if you talked to them about this or asked for it they would probably put it in the next update.

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Offline kingscreen

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Re: Shop management - emailing invoices with payment options
« Reply #2 on: October 28, 2013, 11:08:29 AM »
We set up a Payment Center on our site. It is code. Took only about a half hour to set up. We send them the link to make payment when we send the invoice and digital proof.

Scott Garnett
King Screen