screen printing > Non Textile
Printing Boxes on the S.Roque
So at the end of the day today we printed some boxes and I had one of the guys record some of it. Worked out pretty slick for a small run. And while yes, I know my "stop" jig is probably one of the coolest and most sophisticated things you have ever seen, there is no need to poke fun. ;) I do have to say, I ALWAYS forget how strong the smell of the ink is once you put retarder in it.... we all left work inadvertently on cloud 9! 8)
I got no clue how to embed a video, sorry. If someone can help me out it would be appreciated!
Thank you! How does one go about making the video appear like magic like you did?
--- Quote from: TCT on October 25, 2013, 06:53:55 PM ---Thank you! How does one go about making the video appear like magic like you did?
--- End quote ---
Years of practice at Hogwarts does the trick;)
--- Quote from: TCT on October 25, 2013, 06:53:55 PM ---Thank you! How does one go about making the video appear like magic like you did?
--- End quote ---
As far as your posted link.. needs to be corrected. However the video is still blocked.. YouTube is complaining about WMG (Warner Music Group) content violations. You should google how to resolve this because it may be a false block.
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