screen printing > Tips and Tricks to Share (Please don't ask questions here)

Dip Tank Screen Hold Down

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So we use aluminum statics here and as you all know, they float. We've used a number of ways to hold the screens down in the dip tank while reclaiming. From bricks to jugs of water, it's always been a pain in one way or another. I made a simple PVC rack that holds down 4 screens at a time and works like a magazine. There's enough room to load a new screen in the back and the one ready that has been in the longest pops out of the front. It's all made out of 1/2" PVC and a whole bunch of elbows. One side is not glued (see X's in the photo) so the rack can be removed when the tank is not in use (so you can put the lid on). Total build cost: $18 (including $7 PVC glue).

Dig it

when i stop by for a visit i will steal this...not the idea, the actual unit.

I think I have enough pvc around to make this.


--- Quote from: mk162 on October 22, 2013, 10:56:23 AM ---when i stop by for a visit i will steal this...not the idea, the actual unit.

I think I have enough pvc around to make this.

--- End quote ---
Do what you must.  But know this, you will not need it in Jan.  Also Rock Down to Electric Ave.

Ok we had a similar issue on our statics like everyone, crazy as it may be I just drill holes in opposing diagonal corners of the frame. The frame fills with water and sinks. When it is time to wash them out, while one is being washed the other one is up draining. It is done by the time the guy cleaning screens is ready for it. We have been doing it this way for probably two years, so far I don't see the downside!


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