screen printing > Separations
Scaling down a DCS
This ones just a simple spot color so no halftones involved. Besides my RIP overwrites anything that PS or Illy does. It ignores both of them and prints the LPI that I have set in the RIP itself. So for a halftone base I would think that shrinking it down, it would still hold the information that the white base since it is smaller than the top colors. I never thought of trying so I may have to print out a film and try it.
We over ride our RIP and use Illy's, but that's pretty much 6 of one and a half dozen of the other. If you want to maintain the choke, maybe it'd be best to reduce in PS first, reset the choke to the desired 2 points, and go back to Illy.
I burned a few films and the choke held just fine. By eye and a loop comparing the two films it held its two pixels. So it looks like it worked in this case. I just never thought about it because like most I just sep the two different sized files and printed them out.
--- Quote from: Sbrem on July 20, 2011, 02:05:53 PM ---We over ride our RIP and use Illy's, but that's pretty much 6 of one and a half dozen of the other. If you want to maintain the choke, maybe it'd be best to reduce in PS first, reset the choke to the desired 2 points, and go back to Illy.
--- End quote ---
DING DING DING! ;D Follow each post here by Sbrem and you have the most accurate answer. All have merit but his is dead on.
This story reminds me of my early days. WOW, what I sued to do to get a good sheet of film. Back in the day, we had 300dpi laserprinters. We were BIG TIME where we went to 600. Any who, I worked at a glass factory in the art department. we were unionsized and art department and make %7.65 across the board. Young and old, experienced and not.
Anywho, I was usually very happy when I got jobs that were one sided. This meant quality. Reason being, I would be able to take a one sided imprint on a glass or coffee mug and double the size in the file. Then print it out on our 300dpi paper laserprinter at 35 line screen, send it to the camera room for a film reduction at 50% thus providing a actual size print at 70lpi halftone. That made it a little crisper like as if we were already using a 600dpi printer. Then came the 600dpi printer. WOW, imagine the quality we were putting out now for a 1 sided print. Full wraps were less desirable.
It's amazing what one comes up with when you need to or when you have nothing and need to make something.
Aw shucks, thanks Dan. Your story reminds me of something we used to do with the camera and halftone screens. We couldn't get a halftone screen below 65 line, so we would shoot/halftone at 75% onto paper instead of film, then enlarge those to 133% (to bring it back to the original size) and end up with a 40ish line halftone... necessity is a mother
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