Author Topic: Wilflex IMS and Sartorius  (Read 10169 times)

Offline Rob Coleman

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Re: Wilflex IMS and Sartorius
« Reply #15 on: September 27, 2013, 11:46:38 AM »
Clip ...
The version of Wilflex IMS that we have looks like it only supports serial connection so that's
what I had planned on, but a USB version sounds uhh, more modern.
.... Clip

You should update your  software.  Wilflex releases new versions fairly often.  Current version is 7.4.14 released in April 2013.  Jsut back up your database first!  following is a link - you need to register to get the password.
Rob Coleman | Vice President
Textile Business Unit | Nazdar SourceOne |
(800) 677-4657 ext. 3708 | Cell (678) 230-4463

Offline ebscreen

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Re: Wilflex IMS and Sartorius
« Reply #16 on: September 27, 2013, 11:55:32 AM »
When I downloaded the version of the software we have now I went through hell getting it to install. It would
only work on one computer, and that was a coincidence of sorts. I'll give the new version a whirl, if I can remember
my login info.

I could see a rolling scale ending in disaster here as well. Maybe all the inks on a giant lazy susan table...
I think I just found a use for the manual press.

Offline ZooCity

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Re: Wilflex IMS and Sartorius
« Reply #17 on: September 27, 2013, 02:51:12 PM »
The Sartorious 7500 has a really high list price new but used are very affordable.  As eb said, it's commonly used in the auto paint biz and they're everywhere.  Got ours for $300 I think.  They will literally adjust for heavy breathing. 

We have the RJ/serial adaptor but I'm not sure it's even the right one.  Auto correct sounds awesome.  So far a fave has been the recycle option, incredibly handy and keeps the PMS ink storage area from taking over the whole shop.

Offline Zelko-4-EVA

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Re: Wilflex IMS and Sartorius
« Reply #18 on: September 27, 2013, 03:27:16 PM »
The Sartorious 7500 has a really high list price new but used are very affordable.  As eb said, it's commonly used in the auto paint biz and they're everywhere.  Got ours for $300 I think.  They will literally adjust for heavy breathing. 

We have the RJ/serial adaptor but I'm not sure it's even the right one.  Auto correct sounds awesome.  So far a fave has been the recycle option, incredibly handy and keeps the PMS ink storage area from taking over the whole shop.

we have tried the recycle option before, but with the amount of designs that we have to reprint - every reprint has to match the first run.  we were afraid of the colors getting too muddy or not having the ink on the shelf for the reprint.

Offline Rob Coleman

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Re: Wilflex IMS and Sartorius
« Reply #19 on: September 27, 2013, 03:32:15 PM »
we have tried the recycle option before, but with the amount of designs that we have to reprint - every reprint has to match the first run.  we were afraid of the colors getting too muddy or not having the ink on the shelf for the reprint.

You don't have to worry about muddy colors.  The recycle is purely mathematical -- that is if you have a ink that uses white, black, magenta --- the ONLY options to recycle that recipe into must contain those items. 

That is why if you want to mix 100 C (only contains white and yellow) and search for inks you can use to recycle into your mix -- you get less than 10.  Yet 100 C could recycle INTO hundreds of mixes -- anything that contains white and yellow.

Does that make sense?
Rob Coleman | Vice President
Textile Business Unit | Nazdar SourceOne |
(800) 677-4657 ext. 3708 | Cell (678) 230-4463

Offline ZooCity

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Re: Wilflex IMS and Sartorius
« Reply #20 on: September 27, 2013, 05:24:18 PM »
That's kinda what we are using recycle for.  As we've built up our standard spots the goal has been to pick really clean colors that have a simple pantone formula.  I'm just not super into having hundreds of pantones in storage, prefer to keep going through the ink and mixing fresh, even though plastisol "never dries", time will affect it.

The recycles I've ran have all been perfect. The only mud you'll get is if you have some cross color contam from a wow run already in there.  This can be a huge feature for controlling those on press color tweaks when dialing in a sim pro job that's up on press and one color needs bumped over one way or the other.  It can be so tempting just to splash some warm red in and go because there's always that feeling of rushing when a job's up but we all know you need to record it to have any hope of hitting it next time.  So if going from 102c over to 108c for example, you can pull the color, use the 102c as recycle material to mix the 108c.  Next time, the 108c might be mixed up from scratch but will be the same ink and you'll have that repeatability without an extra bucket of ink kicking around.  I know these two are commonly used but I mean if you have some oddball ones that will sit on the shelf for years and years.

Offline tonypep

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Re: Wilflex IMS and Sartorius
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2013, 06:29:27 AM »
How we roll

Offline bimmridder

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Re: Wilflex IMS and Sartorius
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2013, 11:08:25 AM »
Tony DOES have a nice ink room.
Barth Gimble

Printing  (not well) for 35 years. Strong in licensed sports apparel. Plastisol printer. Located in Cedar Rapids, IA

Offline StuJohnston

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Re: Wilflex IMS and Sartorius
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2013, 01:17:34 PM »
Rob, would the sartorius 7500 work with the Nazdar Colorstar system? Or will nazdar only sell that as a package?

Offline pwalsh

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Re: Wilflex IMS and Sartorius
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2013, 01:56:03 PM »
Rob, would the sartorius 7500 work with the Nazdar Colorstar system? Or will nazdar only sell that as a package?

Stu:  The Nazdar Color Star ink formulation software is available as a standalone program, that can be downloaded to any PC.  What I’m unsure of is the connectivity between the Sartorius scale and the program versus the Mettler Toledo Scale that Nazdar normally uses.  I will check things out when I get back to the office, but in the meantime you could send an email to Nazdar’s Tech Services team at
Peter G. Walsh - Executive Vice President
The M&R Companies - Roselle, IL USA
Office 847-410-3445 / Cell 913-579-6662

Offline StuJohnston

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Re: Wilflex IMS and Sartorius
« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2013, 10:49:02 PM »
Thanks for the reply! I've been looking for that email address. I saw it the other day in an email that I saw in my junkmail folder for some reason and forgot about it. I have some pretty specific questions about the ink itself.

If I can buy the colorstar software and use it with the same scale as the wilflex, that would be pretty sweet. I currently use the online version and it works ok, but it's missing a bunch of formulas and I don't have internet in the shop, so I have to make sure I copy down the formula before I head out to the shop.

Offline ebscreen

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Re: Wilflex IMS and Sartorius
« Reply #26 on: September 30, 2013, 02:08:54 PM »
That's what I'm aiming for Tony.

Do you move the scale along at all or does it stay stationary?

And M3 or C3? I looked hard at both, but Wilflex is the leader out West here,
in terms of availability. (Midwest stocks quarts of PC's)

Offline StuJohnston

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Re: Wilflex IMS and Sartorius
« Reply #27 on: September 30, 2013, 02:43:43 PM »
You might check out Source one's pricing, sure you have to buy in gallons, but the cost is likely much less than what you would pay at midwest. I do buy from midwest, but in this case it would be on a, "gotta have it now" basis where the price of overnight shipping would be more than the cost at midwest.

You might have a better discount than I do with midwest. I need to talk to them about this as I think they have me on a 'graphic printer's' discount schedule which get's me decent pricing on flatstock supplies, but the price of shirt ink is kind of out there on some stuff.

Also, I think that Rob mentioned that they can get quarts, but it isn't in regular stock or something. I plan to try to buy ahead on this stuff so I don't have to be in a hurry like I was recently.

Offline tonypep

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Re: Wilflex IMS and Sartorius
« Reply #28 on: September 30, 2013, 02:47:52 PM »
That's what I'm aiming for Tony.

Do you move the scale along at all or does it stay stationary?

And M3 or C3? I looked hard at both, but Wilflex is the leader out West here,
in terms of availability. (Midwest stocks quarts of PC's)

M3 for us. Used to have the scale on wheels but the little roller table broke. This is just as easy.
And it is 12 ys old. Cleaned every day.