Author Topic: CD Sleeve Hole Puncher  (Read 2162 times)

Offline ScreenPrinter123

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CD Sleeve Hole Puncher
« on: September 26, 2013, 03:34:26 PM »
Ok, someone on this board always seems to know something about everything so here goes...

We order CD sleeves with the already perforated holes and punch the perforations through at about 20 per punch with some thin metal stick.  Anyone know of a "professional" puncher that could do like 100 per punch which obviously would require it keeping the stack of sleeves straight during the "punching" process so that only the perforated circle would be punched?  Thanks!

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Re: CD Sleeve Hole Puncher
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2013, 07:35:31 PM »
It may not be doable. You'd need a male/female weeding die set, but as you increase the thickness of the stack the pressure gets deflected out to the sides instead of straight down. I'd look at a paper drill as an option. Lassco makes them.You may be better off with un-perfed sleeves to start with if you do get a drill. if you do decide to go with a weeder an arbor press will work as a simple option.
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Offline ScreenPrinter123

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Re: CD Sleeve Hole Puncher
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2013, 10:24:58 PM »