Whew, stepped a way for a sec and lots of good information and questions.
Currently we have a pretty small screen printing production area (~20'x24'). We MOSTLY use off the shelf Union Ink. We WERE buying quarts in colors and just recently I told my printer that we would start buying gallons as we are finally printing enough that it makes more sense (probably always did, but I'm cheap). Example, I've been printing shirts in house for a little over a year, we've passed 12's number a couple of months ago, so we are definitely growing (we didn't even try to get business at first as we were just learning the ropes and didn't want to grow too fast).
We are SERIOUSLY small. We are on our 2nd gallon of black, 3rd gallon of white and we've only gone through a bit over a quart of bright red. Now, we have various other colors in stock... but we just don't print large numbers yet. We are manual only right now (hope to change that at some point, given some extra space).
I think we would want to use pigments... basically we want the best bang for our buck that we can afford space wise. I don't mind initial investment if the ROI is decent or if it's on something that A. won't ever go bad. B. the cost continue to go up anyway and C. We will eventually use it. I once found a great sale on A&W rootbeer and bought a YEAR supply of it.

I have a situation right now that I have to have a PMS match grey (429) on some 100% poly shirts and this would obviously save me some money vs ordering RFU 429.
Not sure if I addressed all the questions, as I got pulled away a couple of times during typing this... but this is what I got now.