Author Topic: Cameo 22x30, Diamond Chase 32x32 frames, Triumph Ideal 6550 cutter  (Read 1859 times)

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Cameo 22x30, Diamond Chase 32x32 frames, Triumph Ideal 6550 cutter
« on: September 16, 2013, 07:19:13 PM »
Gotta offload our flatstock line due to textile taking over our space and landlord shaking hands on deals he won't keep. Good equipment in good condition. Ready to go to work in your shop. D-smith listing here. [/url][/url]

American Cameo semi-auto flatstock printer
A classic, reliable and very simple press. Parts available from AWT-GPI and Aero. Comes with wide assortment of squeegees and floodbars (M&R style), u clamps and some spare parts. 22"x30" max print area. This machine prints at around 300pcs/hr solo and more with two operators or a take off. With adjustment to the cam, it will handle aggressive drying water base inks by allowing a flood at rest position and is very amicable to run with plastisol, uv or solvent inks. Perfect for printing plastisol transfers efficiently. These models sell used for $1-2k+.

Diamond Chase retensionable frames
These are retensionable screens, like newman roller frames but they use a different locking rod and you tension by tightening bolts around the perimeter v. roller bars but same concept. I don't think these are the smartest design regarding how the mesh is loaded and tensioned but they are very well built and would be much more affordable than purchasing static frames of the same size. Parts are available from Eino/Diamond Chase

(11) 32"x32" a few with mesh, most without.

Triumph Ideal 6550 Paper Cutter
We have not operated this unit but it appears to only need it's blades re-sharpened or possibly replaced (reasonable cost). Industrial, automatic stack cutter for most needs, all electric. Cuts up to 25"x36" sheets.

More pics here.

If interested make me an offer on the lot or individual pcs. I will wheel and deal for someone who can pickup the lot of it locally v. crating and shipping to multiple sellers. But I will crate and ship individual pcs for you at added cost.

Will barter partially or fully for a small format squeegee sharpener, Newman M3 pin locks or any Sprint 2000 gas dryer with at leaset 48" w. belt.

Our shop has a pickup truck height loading dock and bay door large enough to easily move out all of the gear. We have pallet jacks on hand and the press has it's own built in casters.

FOB Missoula, MT 59802

Call Chris at 406.five2nine.6482