Author Topic: Great Garment Graphics Offers New How To Create Tourist Sales Video  (Read 990 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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Have you missed out tapping the lucrative tourist market because of a limited definition of a tourist? Andy Curtiss, sales rep, Transfer Express, will help you broaden your ideas about this niche and present dozens of great ideas on ways to capture more vacation and travel business in a recent video available at www.greatgarmentgraphics.

In his presentation, “How To Create Tourist Sales,” Curtis discusses the many types of tourist markets that every shop should be pursuing. He starts off listing popular tourist destinations such as national parks, amusement parks, zoos, aquariums, landmarks, beaches, skiing resorts, and mountain areas.

Next he discusses groups and organizations that take trips to target. These include senior centers, schools, youth and church groups, destination weddings, and travel abroad programs. Curtiss also offers suggestions on merchandise other than T-shirts such as headwear, koozies, towels, and blankets.

The video includes a demo on how to create artwork on the Transfer Express site, what type of equipment you’ll need, and finishes with how to create a flier.

To view the video, go to

Great Garment Graphics is an organization devoted solely to the education of newcomers and established decorators on heat-applied graphics. It offers regularly scheduled free Webinars, as well as videos, booklets, and interactive CDs. The site also has a significant amount of educational information about the various types of heat-applied processes and materials. It’s a great starting point for anyone interested in doing heat-applied printing of any kind. Check it out at