screen printing > Non Textile
"Slides" or "Slide Sandals" Anybody print these?
Itsa Little CrOoked:
TSC Slide Slide Sandal Screen Printing Demo
The video "splains how to set up one side at a time.
These will need Nylabond or a similar catalyst, and I will print these one color, white plastisol.
I'm setting up now, but I feel pretty wobbly, confidence wise.
Yeah I know how you feel. We print electronic metal face plates every now and then and
it's a one shot deal. Not like grabbing another tee off the shelf.
Off contact is crucial. Not too high, not on contact.
Make sure substrate is "stable" and once getting into flow, it comes easy.
Make sure- Itsa NOT Little CrOoked!
Nice and straight.
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