Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
I think one thing is missing here...expectations. what are their expectations? we have a morning meeting EVERYDAY. we go over everything and see if anything needs to be ordered people time off ect. that way everyone knows what is going on and what the expectation for the day week month year are. thoughts?
We had these career builder type people come into my high school to try and get us all jazzed up about workingfor the rest of our lives. They wanted us to write our goals down, and then mission statements on how to reach them.I could see how that could be helpful for some folks but for me it's just a huge turn off. Reminds me of Office Space.TPS reports and the like. Then again I don't know, maybe if I had written a mission statement at fifteen years old I wouldn't be knee deep in this silly industry.
Your problem Alan is you probably don't want to (or more like can't) send your whole crew home when they all start narcing each other out. I've never had anyone in here who liked to point fingers at others when they erred...at least no one for too long.
This is so important I must chime in on both the specific nature of this thread as well as its slightly off topic discussion.If anyone is interested in my jaded yet experienced I'll respond,tp
I've complained about this guy a ton over the years