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Cloud based backup service

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and that is the case, once the initial backup is done, it runs in the background and it very efficient.


--- Quote from: SkylinePrints on July 22, 2011, 11:26:26 AM ---squeegee,

i just got off the phone with these people.

multiple pcs and NAS drive support.  might be the solution.  worth checking out i think

--- End quote ---

Thanks dude, I will check into it  :)


--- Quote from: mk162 on July 22, 2011, 10:56:48 AM ---I am still working on perfecting our backup system here, but carbonite is a life saver, and at $5 a month, it's more than worth it.

--- End quote ---

I use Carbonite also, but I just got an email from them regarding the new Mac Lion OS. As of yet, Carbonite isn't compatible, although they are working on it. Just a heads up for any Mac users thinking of the upgrade.

Not a fan of cloud based back up.  Too slow often, and too small the rest of the time.

I prefer to keep an in house server to  back up our data.  We have over 10tb of data here, which is a lot for just 2 people.  But we do a ton of design work so our customers files are very important to them and us.  They know if they lose it, we wont!

I've got an older firewire case with a smaller drive in it I'm thinking of re-purposing with a 500GB drive and using Apple's Time Machine utility to back up. It isn't off-site, but it'll back up everything on my MacBook, and the main reason I use Carbonite is to save my work files. I could get this Mac or a new one up and running in a day or less. Lose the work files, and I'm screwed.


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