screen printing > Newbie

Printing on moisture wicking t's

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I learned a lesson with these this past week.  I had ran 100 cotton tee's and was going to do the same logo on about 20 performance tee's.  I switched over to poly inks but was not watching my cure temps.  The first few ran through at about 425.  On those tee's I had tons of bleeding through the ink and the ink actually flaked off very badly after about 5 hours.  They looked horrible.  I am going to re do them and really watch my temps this time around.  I do tons of these tee's without issues but this was a golden yellow and white design printed on some very bright colors.... red, blue, green, etc.

Just got a small order of 100% poly  "Silver" shirts with black ink.

I have UnionInk Ultra Soft 8000 Black... will that be good enough?

Should I had some low cure additive to be safe?  The UnionInk is 300 degrees, but given I'm ghetto'ing it up with a flash unit and new at this should I try reducing it to be extra sure?  Or just get some cure test strips. :)

Dark ink on light poly presents no more problems than the poly itself. Don't pucker it with too much heat, but at normal temps, you'll be fine and of course, no dye migration issues.

When printing black ink on 100% poly, you have no need to worry about bleed or adhesion problems.

Black ink will not color shift.


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