Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Hey, I didn't do anything any of you guys wouldn't have done.Just trying to pay it forward when and where I can... I get a lot from the great minds/people on this forum, so only fitting I do what I can.He also "thanked" me with some film, so it wasn't completely out of the kindness of my heart, but I'm sure it was still a heck of a deal for him vs hiring someone like us straight up.Pierre, if nothing else it helped me to know if the sit I got working was the right one... The files were kind of a mess. :)I also have to thank my 3 year old for patiently/quietly watching cartoons while I worked on it last night... Definitely a hard task to do if you can't focus, several lines of code across several files in various locations, and then hunting down all the "kinks" that reer(sp) up when moving a database site like that over. It was the first time I had a couple of hours to dedicate to it since I said I'd fix it and the wife was busy painting the new location for our other business so I was on baby duty (she's not nearly as patient with the wife while she tries to work).
Thats what makes the boards great. Trading ones knowledge back an forth is a win win for everyone.