Author Topic: SO LONG  (Read 3963 times)

Offline bimmridder

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« on: August 08, 2013, 03:30:48 PM »
I know this is the introductions area, and since I don't see a "good-bye" section, I'll post this here. I used to love visiting the forums. I've been here since its inception, at least as soon as I heard about it. I have also participated and looked on others, for years now. I guess I'm just tired of all the crap that goes on. I always loved giving people help if I could. I do remember what it was like 25 years ago, where you learned by trial and error. Now you jump on line, visit a forum, and get all your answers. But there are some things that really bug me about that. So many people are happy to take any advise or recommendation given them. I freaking drives me crazy. If I am offering an opinion, I will usually say, "this is what works in MY shop" I never say do what I do and it will work. Things like, "what squeegee pressure do you use?" I refuse to answer that without talking about press tolerances, screen tension, squeegee durometer, and angle, off contact, and a few other things. If I say 30 PSI, that's absolutely useless (OK, it may be a starting point, but you already have that) unless all your parameters are exactly like mine. And they are not! But forums and searches on the internet give people immediate answers and they are happy. I guess this all really started bugging me today when I read a recent post about "s" thread. People are acting like it's the latest, greatest thing on earth. I absolutely agree that it is a great product. The thing that bugs me is it's been around forever. (OK I've known about and used it over 15 years, not forever). But anytime I would suggest it to someone, I just got blank stares or silence. Fine. I know a good thing when I've got it. Now it's on the boards and it's the cat's meow. I'm not irritated because people didn't listen or try to understand when I talked about it, I'm just saying that now people read about it on the internet, it's got to be real and great.

It's also frustrating to me when someone tries to help and they get slammed. I will admit I've been fortunate to have been in this business a long time, and yes, I have some great equipment. But I've busted my ass, been through hell and high water, to be where I am. I mention I have a coating machine and I'm called spoiled. It wasn't a gift. I worked hard, and do every day, to get what I have. I am proud to say that I feel like I have some of the best equipment our money can buy. I also have a great staff, terrific customers, and standards and procedures in place to make it all work. It's no accident, and I feel far from spoiled. When I offer advise concerning what some of my equipment does for me, and might do for you someday, I am only offering my words from experience. It really sucks to be cut down for trying to help. Yes, we all have different ways of trying to help, and it doesn't always come out right.

I have made some good friends here, and I will continue to visit. I guess if I feel I can really offer some help to someone, I will do it through PM. Maybe I'm just having a bad day and letting it all out here. But the last few visits here have been saddening. I don't care to stoke that fire any more. Thanks to all that started and keep this place going. You do have what I feel is the best printing forum. I am also very thankful for the friends and acquaintances I've made here. I'm not gone, just silent.

Barth Gimble

Printing  (not well) for 35 years. Strong in licensed sports apparel. Plastisol printer. Located in Cedar Rapids, IA

Offline Doug S

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« Reply #1 on: August 08, 2013, 05:23:10 PM »
I can tell you for one, that I have never claimed to know it all.  I've been doing this for quite some time and it seems like there is a new one to figure out everyday.  So what I'm trying to say is that any advice given is well appreciated and I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels that way.  Without the input of people like yourself there would be many of us that would never venture any further "at least not without a lot of headache"
It's not a job if you love doing it.

Offline Frog

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« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2013, 05:53:00 PM »
I am afraid that with any forum, one generally needs a fairly thick skin, and needs to at the very least, tolerate others, with exceptions to a few troublemakers.

We always hate to see a valued asset leave, and I always hope that they just need a break.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline screenprintguy

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« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2013, 06:04:50 PM »
Dave you have been a huge help to us here, you don't even know. All I can say is uour advice is always appreciated by us!

Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline tonypep

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« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2013, 06:35:33 PM »
Well, there goes the neighborhood! Seriously though I believe Bim will be back. I will certainly have a conv or PM. Here's an interesting series of observations:
There is a reason why there are so many dizzying options with regards to equipment, raw materials, sep programs, application techchniques, software mngmnt and much more. Why? It's largely due to the fact we are not all the same. Most of us know about the pitfalls of changing one of the interdependant variables can often result in a deficiency found elsewhere in the chain.
Slightly above my chain in the most fav words (which many may know is procedurlization) is balance.Do what what works for you, push the envelope, procede with caution, but know your focus. Many can say they have mastered this and that with regards to technical profficiency but often I've seen many of those companies pay less attention to people management. Scheduling and staging is where I almost ways see the primary weakness
Lastly, and like Bim, I am signing off but never gone.
Much more but maybe I'll get paid for doing this

Offline dirkdiggler

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« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2013, 06:55:02 PM »
short story:  My little cousins baseball team was the THUNDER, as in something similar to the Yankees farm team.  They needed hats to match the jerseys, so they looked at the Minor league teams website.  Bought some hats for the little guys.  When they came in I looked at them and noticed they were done by Bimm.  I thought hey I know that guy from the boards.  I sent him a pm and he offered to help if we needed more thunder stuff.  Amazing that me being in GA and so far away from him that I had a contact simply because of this forum.  Things happen for a reason and I would hate to see a good guy like Bimm make a departure.  Keep up the good work of being a great human being sir.  The end.
If he gets up, we'll all get up, IT'LL BE ANARCHY!-John Bender

Offline Ron Pierson

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« Reply #6 on: August 08, 2013, 06:56:59 PM »
The VERY BEST has been silenced the foolery of others - am auful thought....but it happens.

All I wish is that they still lurk and PM those who they feel are in the same league as them. They are - indeeed - in a league of their own. There are people who just will not recognize that fact. I personally will miss all they say and advise from their years of experience in this CRAZY business we are ALL in. I can forgive their exit but I will never forget their name (screen name - I don't know them personally - wish I did...).

Offline tancehughes

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« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2013, 07:12:18 PM »
Dave and I have chatted a couple of times and he has been nothing but great help. Dave do what you have to do, but I hate to see someone like yourself become less involved around here.

When I read hell and high water I thought "literally high water"!

Offline Nick Bane

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« Reply #8 on: August 08, 2013, 07:46:40 PM »
I know this is the introductions area, and since I don't see a "good-bye" section, I'll post this here. I used to love visiting the forums. I've been here since its inception, at least as soon as I heard about it. I have also participated and looked on others, for years now. I guess I'm just tired of all the crap that goes on. I always loved giving people help if I could. I do remember what it was like 25 years ago, where you learned by trial and error. Now you jump on line, visit a forum, and get all your answers. But there are some things that really bug me about that. So many people are happy to take any advise or recommendation given them. I freaking drives me crazy. If I am offering an opinion, I will usually say, "this is what works in MY shop" I never say do what I do and it will work. Things like, "what squeegee pressure do you use?" I refuse to answer that without talking about press tolerances, screen tension, squeegee durometer, and angle, off contact, and a few other things. If I say 30 PSI, that's absolutely useless (OK, it may be a starting point, but you already have that) unless all your parameters are exactly like mine. And they are not! But forums and searches on the internet give people immediate answers and they are happy. I guess this all really started bugging me today when I read a recent post about "s" thread. People are acting like it's the latest, greatest thing on earth. I absolutely agree that it is a great product. The thing that bugs me is it's been around forever. (OK I've known about and used it over 15 years, not forever). But anytime I would suggest it to someone, I just got blank stares or silence. Fine. I know a good thing when I've got it. Now it's on the boards and it's the cat's meow. I'm not irritated because people didn't listen or try to understand when I talked about it, I'm just saying that now people read about it on the internet, it's got to be real and great.

It's also frustrating to me when someone tries to help and they get slammed. I will admit I've been fortunate to have been in this business a long time, and yes, I have some great equipment. But I've busted my ass, been through hell and high water, to be where I am. I mention I have a coating machine and I'm called spoiled. It wasn't a gift. I worked hard, and do every day, to get what I have. I am proud to say that I feel like I have some of the best equipment our money can buy. I also have a great staff, terrific customers, and standards and procedures in place to make it all work. It's no accident, and I feel far from spoiled. When I offer advise concerning what some of my equipment does for me, and might do for you someday, I am only offering my words from experience. It really sucks to be cut down for trying to help. Yes, we all have different ways of trying to help, and it doesn't always come out right.

I have made some good friends here, and I will continue to visit. I guess if I feel I can really offer some help to someone, I will do it through PM. Maybe I'm just having a bad day and letting it all out here. But the last few visits here have been saddening. I don't care to stoke that fire any more. Thanks to all that started and keep this place going. You do have what I feel is the best printing forum. I am also very thankful for the friends and acquaintances I've made here. I'm not gone, just silent.


Well said.
Bane Ink - 619-701-4283

Offline mooseman

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« Reply #9 on: August 08, 2013, 08:22:43 PM »
Hey Bimm,
as far as this board goes there are some unique individuals, attitudes and just plain holier than now personalities. I tend to think of the board in general as a high rise building with many floors and apartments.
On every floor and behind every door is an experience some you enjoy and some you just plain avoid and some you wish you never knew.
At the end of the day i have accepted the gang here as an eclectic mix of bright minds all reaching for the holy grail  sometimes using the backs and shoulders of others or just knee-capping the competition in search of the common goal. 
i guarantee you there are some big time hitters here that have learned a different way of doing things form the little people here but would never admit to it because their ego will not tolerate it.
You should take great pride in the fact that you have a ton of information to offer to those of us who are behind you on the learning curve. every time you help those like me (the little folks here) you rise up the mountain and threaten the gods who believe they own the summit.

let me leave you with one thought don't allow yourself to be defined  by the few who look down on you, take great pride instead in knowing there are may though silent who look up to your help and knowledge. a threatened animal will always fain a forceful attack from a position of fear.



Offline brandon

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« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2013, 12:38:44 AM »
Hey Dave,
Sorry to see you go. Thank you for all the help you have offered everyone including myself over the years. It made my day when I spoke to you on the phone awhile ago. If I am ever lucky enough to have a chance to visit your shop or meet you in person dinner and drinks are on me. Take care!

- Brandon

Offline Sbrem

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« Reply #11 on: August 09, 2013, 10:14:23 AM »
Also sorry to see you go Dave. I don't know exactly what pushed you over the edge, but I've always appreciated your input; you plainly know what's happenin'. Like yourself, I've always known about S threads, since first reading Screen Printing magazine in the 70's; just because it's new to a lot of folks doesn't mean it's new. Anyway, best of luck, and please lurk about and send a PM when necessary. You too Tony; your writings on discharge I'm sure have saved quite a few folks from heading down the wrong path, as well as production advice. Keep in touch fellas.

I made a mistake once; I thought I was wrong about something; I wasn't

Offline Socalfmf

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« Reply #12 on: August 09, 2013, 10:22:30 AM »
Most people do not know but Dave is a mentor of is sad to see him go...but in todays world with technology where it is everyeone knows everything...I am glad I have people like Dave in my life to make sure I am moving forward not backwards, however you have a lot of people who only sign the back of a check not the front telling others what to do and how to do it without seeing the "whole" picture.  I too have taken a step back and just read vs adding my 2 cents as I would rather pick up the phone or pm or email someone.

It is sad to see a warrior like Dave leave but I don't blame him...

thanks Dave


Offline alan802

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« Reply #13 on: August 09, 2013, 10:59:10 AM »
I can't not comment on this since this is directly related to me and the thread from yesterday so I'll chime in here with my thoughts.  I have stated numerous times that S thread has been around forever, but it has not been popular until recently.  The fact that suppliers don't sell it tells me we have more work to do in getting it popularized and I think it's crap that suppliers dictate what most print shops use for mesh and it's not supposed to be that way.  I can't remember how or why I started using S thread but I bet it was someone mentioning it on a forum and that's what is so great about these places.  I do understand when guys get tired of reading things from a few guys and it sucks to be one of those few that are rubbing people the wrong way.  If I'm only partly responsible for running Dave off then I don't feel good about it and I'm sure that will change my way of doing things in the future.  I might come off like a know it all and perhaps my comment about getting your head out of your ass and try S thread rubbed some people the wrong way.  I did preface it by saying it was a light hearted comment then we all know what happened from there.  If Dave talked about S thread mesh 5 years ago I missed it, although I've read just about every post from him for years I could have easily missed it.  I've read a few of his thoughts on CTS but they aren't numerous and I do wish Dave were more vocal sometimes.  I bet he thinks he says too much here but I know I'm not the only one that wishes he spent more time typing on a thread than what he does.  When he says something it carries more weight than when someone like me says it and I am totally fine with that.  I try and know where I fit in and I don't want to be thought of as a blowhard and I do try to pull back the reigns at times so I don't annoy people but sometimes passion overwhelms rational thought and it comes out.  I've got a long way to go to be a Dave Filip but that's the company I wish to be grouped with one day. I wish my posts about S thread wouldn't have rubbed anyone the wrong way but I'm passionate about it's use and lack of suppliers stocking it and it pisses me off so I'm going to talk about it.  I don't want to be thought of as a "know-it-all", but believe it or not I calculate what I say on here very carefully and when I do bring things to a thread I try to back it up with hard proof and as factual a statement as I can make, but it's still based on what is done here at our shop under pretty controlled conditions.  I've been using S thread for only about 3 years, and maybe I shouldn't be so loud about it but all I'm trying to do is help other shops be better and if that hurts feelings then I really can't apologize for that.  I don't preface lots of my posts with "this works at our shop" like Dave does but I also try to stay away from commenting on things that may or may not work.  I try to stick to things that I know with 100% of my heart will help another shop become better (I know we aren't the best screen print shop on this forum but I do have knowledge to share that will help others) like S thread and proper tension because I know there is not a shop in the world that wouldn't benefit from those two things.  I won't get into the CTS argument too deeply here but the one CTS machine that I'm most interested in is the one that sits in Dave's shop and it's because of Dave's comments along with Joe's recommendation that I'm so high on that unit right now.  I see posts about CTS that I feel are negatively directed at those of us that don't have them and most of the time I let them go, but yesterday was not one of those times.  But when you read some of them they do come off like a put down and those posts usually have ZERO data to back them up, just hot air. 

I don't want to get too far into my issues with Sam but it's directly related to Dave leaving and I don't want to be the reason.  I honestly don't understand Dave's feelings on this and because he's been fortunate enough to have known about S thread for 15 years doesn't mean I shouldn't be screaming at the top of my lungs about how great it is.  If Dave feels like nobody listens to his opinions then I don't know what to say, I know I do.  I know that he's one of a select few that when I see a post from him I read it and I know that the info there is solid and I don't need to question it.  If Dave wants to leave because of me then that sucks, and I know that others will hold that against me but I have never tried to do anything but help people.  If my delivery needs to be less abrasive then I can work on that but I can promise that most people that leave forums or stop posting as much it's because they feel they can't speak up for whatever reason and that's unfortunate.
I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than to those attending too small a degree of it -T.J.
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« Reply #14 on: August 09, 2013, 11:43:27 AM »
This is crazy you get mad and get your ball and want to go home, I know Dave might not read this, but hey you know what goes on here the same thing that has been going on on other forums with some of the same people.  Some of us guys on here think we know everything and some us don't, some of us like to learn from others, some us have very strong opinions.  I like to help when I can, and I have also learned a great deal from all the above statement about my on biz.  Dave leave your ball here go home cool off and come back and play some more, thick skin is a must on any forum, and one more thing I have a list of people on here I'd like to crack there heads open at times and then thank them also for the help they have giving me... also remember this is a forum full of testosterone.  On the subject of S mesh I would like to know a little more about it, how to get it, benefits, cost etc..

Life is like Kool-Aid, gotta add sugar/hardwork to make it sweet!!