Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
I know this is the introductions area, and since I don't see a "good-bye" section, I'll post this here. I used to love visiting the forums. I've been here since its inception, at least as soon as I heard about it. I have also participated and looked on others, for years now. I guess I'm just tired of all the crap that goes on. I always loved giving people help if I could. I do remember what it was like 25 years ago, where you learned by trial and error. Now you jump on line, visit a forum, and get all your answers. But there are some things that really bug me about that. So many people are happy to take any advise or recommendation given them. I freaking drives me crazy. If I am offering an opinion, I will usually say, "this is what works in MY shop" I never say do what I do and it will work. Things like, "what squeegee pressure do you use?" I refuse to answer that without talking about press tolerances, screen tension, squeegee durometer, and angle, off contact, and a few other things. If I say 30 PSI, that's absolutely useless (OK, it may be a starting point, but you already have that) unless all your parameters are exactly like mine. And they are not! But forums and searches on the internet give people immediate answers and they are happy. I guess this all really started bugging me today when I read a recent post about "s" thread. People are acting like it's the latest, greatest thing on earth. I absolutely agree that it is a great product. The thing that bugs me is it's been around forever. (OK I've known about and used it over 15 years, not forever). But anytime I would suggest it to someone, I just got blank stares or silence. Fine. I know a good thing when I've got it. Now it's on the boards and it's the cat's meow. I'm not irritated because people didn't listen or try to understand when I talked about it, I'm just saying that now people read about it on the internet, it's got to be real and great. It's also frustrating to me when someone tries to help and they get slammed. I will admit I've been fortunate to have been in this business a long time, and yes, I have some great equipment. But I've busted my ass, been through hell and high water, to be where I am. I mention I have a coating machine and I'm called spoiled. It wasn't a gift. I worked hard, and do every day, to get what I have. I am proud to say that I feel like I have some of the best equipment our money can buy. I also have a great staff, terrific customers, and standards and procedures in place to make it all work. It's no accident, and I feel far from spoiled. When I offer advise concerning what some of my equipment does for me, and might do for you someday, I am only offering my words from experience. It really sucks to be cut down for trying to help. Yes, we all have different ways of trying to help, and it doesn't always come out right. I have made some good friends here, and I will continue to visit. I guess if I feel I can really offer some help to someone, I will do it through PM. Maybe I'm just having a bad day and letting it all out here. But the last few visits here have been saddening. I don't care to stoke that fire any more. Thanks to all that started and keep this place going. You do have what I feel is the best printing forum. I am also very thankful for the friends and acquaintances I've made here. I'm not gone, just silent.