Author Topic: Exposure unit heats up  (Read 1513 times)

Offline Stinkhorn Press

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Exposure unit heats up
« on: July 26, 2013, 05:08:19 PM »
We attempt to dehumidify our screen room (can hold it down about 45-50% on high heat/humidity days) but our exposure unit (small bank of tubes style) gets hot FAST. When it's above 80 outside it's often 90+ in the screen room and we can only burn about 4-6 screens before the whole exposure unit is too hot (emulsion starts to stick, transparent tape melts (so we started using heat resistant transfer tape to hold the positives), and exposure time changes as the emulsion COOKS).
We'd prefer not to put a fan on it as it is the same room the screens dry in and we'd like to not stir up any dust. Any pointers?

Offline ebscreen

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Re: Exposure unit heats up
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2013, 05:42:48 PM »
Can you re-locate the ballast for the exposure unit? That's the only thing that
gets hot in a fluorescent system.

Offline mk162

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Re: Exposure unit heats up
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2013, 01:20:25 PM »
technically that is the hottest thing in a fluo system, the bulbs do give off a little heat as well.

put a fan in there, $10 says you won't see any increase in pinholes.  you don't want to bring in outside air unless it's been filtered.