Computers and Software > RIPs

AccuRIP and the dot gain setup....WTH!!!!

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Huh, so you need to test it against your own file out of Illy v. the target file?

Are you seeing that data loss I was referring to in the other post still with this method?

I guess that wasn't as clear as it sounded in my head!!!

The target file for me was useless because the dot gain control was not adjusting correctly.  If the target 50% was reading as 65 I would input 65 in the 50 slot of the got gain control and then my sample file out of Illy would still be way off.  Thus I just started printing the Illy sample file over and over adjusting the dot gain after each one.  It is not perfect but it is waaayyyy closer than before and there is no data loss.

Cool, I'll try it.  Maybe the linearization : test file is going over the top with the adjustments, which would explain the data loss.  The numbers I have in my curve based off the test file are extreme.

Give it a shot because done the way they tell you to everything 90ish and above was solid and 4 and below was empty after inputting the numbers that were supposed to correctly adjust for the readings of the target.  It seems the dot gain feature was making bigger adjustments than I was telling it to.  Print your Illy file and read that and make small adjustments and repeat and hopefully you will have some success as I finally did.  In the end my curve had a lot less of a curve than what the readings of the target had called for.

So, I tried this on the Epson 1430 due to my dots seeming too heavy.  I entered the values Pierre listed and again, heavier than what I am getting.

In fact, I am reading 0% in Photoshop while the film is kicking out a 1%.  Now, I know if you have the 0 set at 1, you will get 1% in all areas intended to be white so you don't want to have anything in the 0 location. This is not the case. I have a 0 in 0. So, I opened the art file and adjusted the curves to take out even more. Taking out what could be the 2% in this area.  Still, dots come out.

What gets me, is this RIP, based on how you all are describing to enter the values, It's bass awards. Like, some of or all of the rips I've worked on for dot gain compensation, is like curves in photoshop.   You want a 50, you drop the curve to 40 (for example).  Here, if you want a 50, you enter what you are getting/reading. If it's a 60, you enter in the 50 spot. BUT, it's not happening for me.  Still too heavy. The shadow tones especially.  Will look at it more later.


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