Computers and Software > RIPs

AccuRIP and the dot gain setup....WTH!!!!

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--- Quote from: ScreenPrinter123 on November 12, 2013, 06:15:52 PM ---Now another question...our 5% was reading as 14.5% so when outputting after adjusting the Dot Gain Control feature I get nothing printed at 4% and below.  Is there anything that I can do to address this?  This will not mean much of anything for 99.9% of the stuff we currently print but why settle for mediocrity!

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This was my question from the other thread.  Except I'm seeing data loss all over from it.  If it just clipped 4% and below I would probably be cool with that for 99% of our jobs too, but it's clipping all over in relation to the linearization curve. 

It's like it doesn't understand that I still want all the information available in the print file for each spot color, I just want it printed in a manner that compensates for gain.  Instead it's eliminating elements of the art, choking off the file instead of the output.  Seems kinda ass backwards to me. 

I was wondering if that is what you were saying in your other thread...I'm a little slow sometimes!

This does seem like a big deal because it did the same thing on the 80+ adjustments for us (maybe elsewhere as well as I have not spent much time with it other than noticing the glaringly obvious problems).  It outputs craziness, I guess because the highest percentages are so dark that the values you enter are close enough to make the rip output a mess.

Hopefully someone out there has some answers.

Any worthy rip options out there for Mac.  Would love to try FilmMaker but it is PC only and I would like to achieve better results than Accurip is allowing me to achieve.

I think Wasatch can run on OSX.  I hear ya on this and it's why I've been with AR for too long, I just hate having to switch between op systems, even though it's pretty easy with fusion, etc., but it is absolutely time to get setup with a better rip with some of the work we're running.

So I actually have Accurip set fairly well now.  I ended up doing several rounds of printing a sample file with the the varying percentages and adusting the numbers in the Dot Gain control a little each time.  For some reason if I took readings from the target file within Accurip and inputed the numbers in the Dot Gain feature it did not adjust them correctly.

I also emailed back and forth with Charlie and here are a couple reminders in the event that it helps anyone:

-  for a gradient that fades away to nothing go from 100% of that particular spot color to 0% of that spot color and not from 100% of that spot color to white.
-  if using illustrator use spot colors and output via host-bast separations and don't use the composite mode

Charlie said not doing the above can affect the films.  He also emphasized the importance of good film and inks and their ability to make great strides in controlling dot gain.

I will now give this thread a rest as I am pretty darn happy with the results I am now getting even though it took a few headaches to get there!


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