Computers and Software > RIPs

AccuRIP and the dot gain setup....WTH!!!!

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blue moon:

--- Quote from: Sbrem on August 06, 2013, 02:37:03 PM ---Thanks Pierre, that's great. Can't wait to have the next job go through... I hope I don't have to correct or re-output some old files, I'll have to output the whole job :o


--- End quote ---

we've run into that before and it was a PAIN! We now print gradient boxes on all the sim process films so we can match it if the need ever comes.


OK, I finally had a chance to print out the old test (Pierre's) with the new settings, and it's much, much better. I haven't had a chance to really study it, but it's, well, much, much better.


Thanks for the help Pierre; you da man

I dropped these numbers in mine too and they opened up the 90% range and what I thought was 5% is actually closer to 15! thanks guys!

So is this a good base line for just about anyone?  Or is it just for those running a particular printer?

This test was for my Epson 1400; running a single cartridge instead of all six, droplet weight is 12. 12 seems to give us a nice dense black for solids. When I get my 4800 up and running again, I'll run the test again for that as well, and save the profile. "Your mileage may vary..."



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