Computers and Software > RIPs

AccuRIP and the dot gain setup....WTH!!!!

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OK, I've heard from Charlie at AccuRIP; he says, print out the test target in AccuRIP, and have that read. When you get your readings back, and enter them, DO NOT reprint the test from AccuRIP, it's what he called a virgin file, the settings won't change it. So, I think, after you get the readings back, print out Pierre's test graphics and compare that to the original you kept when you sent it to him originally. I sent in one more question to be sure, and I'll post the answer once I get the it.


Apparently, this came in while I was typing the last update... I had asked if the 50% reading came back as 60%, should I enter 60% into the 50% box? His answer:

Correct. After you take the reading from the target print you put the numbers into the corresponding fields. If the 50% reads 60% put 60 into the 50 field and it will curve it back for you.

Remember that after that the Target print will never change regardless of the new settings. That is what makes it a Target print, its RAW data. What you will see change will be the prints form your graphics app that pass through the RIP after that.

Make a bunch of % squares in Illustrator and print you will see the difference.

Let me know of your understanding and success.

blue moon:
as with the rest of the AccuRIP, Charlie is trying to make the printer's life easier. It does make more sense to enter data that way.

I do think that we tried what he is saying, but at least we know now what's supposed to be done. I'll look around and see if I can find the old films I read for everybody and give the numbers to enter into the curve dialog.


Good info Steve, thank you for sharing..and thanks P for helping us out too.


--- Quote from: blue moon on July 29, 2013, 06:37:24 PM ---as with the rest of the AccuRIP, Charlie is trying to make the printer's life easier. It does make more sense to enter data that way.

I do think that we tried what he is saying, but at least we know now what's supposed to be done. I'll look around and see if I can find the old films I read for everybody and give the numbers to enter into the curve dialog.


--- End quote ---

We should actually print the test target that comes with AccuRIP (in the dot gain control dialog) according to Charlie, but I'm not exactly sure how that would make a difference... anyway, this should end the head scratching. (Really, when the film came out darker, didn't it just suck the air out of you? )



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