Thanks guys. We have been running two single heads all day everyday and it just makes sense when you run the numbers to pull the trigger. I am blown away at the machine after just a few test sews with the tech. Today we are going to run a couple of jobs with him here and finish going over the machine and all its functions. One of the cool things is that you can actually edit the digitizing right at the machine. It is limited but but you can do a bunch of editing that you would normally have to walk away to a computer to do. As I learn more about that I will share.
Dennis this one does have the extended sewing field. It is crazy big.
Jay we have been pretty busy with caps out the azz. I still am not even advertizing embroidery yet and the word of mouth is spreading fast. Puff is keeping us pretty booked up.
Screenprinter I had to wipe more than that when I opend up the box.....

Thanks Brandt. It is going to be crazy with how much more we can get done now.