screen printing > Waterbase and Discharge

Clips of the week..vintage motorcycle

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--- Quote from: tonypep on July 08, 2011, 01:45:39 PM ---Thanks eb.....these are all on Eternal Apparel. BTW the top collage illustrates tonal discharge. Technically since there is no pigment its not even an ink. .5% ZFS renders the image as a tonal "bleach" of the dye. So we can do a graphic on eight different blanks. The appearance is that of an ink change but there is none. Hangs nice at retail. The surf girl is another example of slurry spray. I teach them how to spray in certain directions to more accurately depict surf spray.
Its another way to emulate allover without having to spend $$$
Oh and no press modification. I have to smile seeing all the bickering about stroke length on other sites. Does anyone realize how many early model presses can print a 20" stroke?

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So you are saying your old Gauntlet is able to print past 20" even tho its not advertised as such.  ;D

I got 2 extra inches out of our old a$$ Javelin above what was stated possible imagine that.

Yea Tony, I really like the last one, looks very cool.

I'm intrigued too about the .5% tonal concept, have you ever tried that with a pigmented color?  I have a customer that wants that tonal look in discharge but in a faint color...

It would be easy but you would need to play around with the ratios. On something like that good documentation is critical especialyl if they re-order.

Oh and yes Ink imagine that.......I forget how old that particular press is (2,200,000 impressions) but by simply buying a few oversize frames/squeegees etc. you can! Yes we bought it used for 12K and it runs perfectly and fast. Now, we are limited to four colors oversize but I design around that constraint. If you look at the designs they are all between one and three colors. Ten would be overkill!

Awesome prints Tony, im jealous. 

--- Quote from: tonypep on July 08, 2011, 03:34:53 PM ---Oh and yes Ink imagine that.......I forget how old that particular press is (2,200,000 impressions) but by simply buying a few oversize frames/squeegees etc. you can! Yes we bought it used for 12K and it runs perfectly and fast. Now, we are limited to four colors oversize but I design around that constraint. If you look at the designs they are all between one and three colors. Ten would be overkill!

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You will have to excuse inkman, he is used to getting less than advertised, not more.   ;D


I enjoy 23 inches of print on a press spec'd at 20.  I think if I wanted to I could print 24-25 inches.  Oh and I could do it in every head if I wanted.


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