Author Topic: Richmond SM3000 vs. Tri Light vs. Amergraph 750  (Read 1176 times)

Offline ScreenPrinter123

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Richmond SM3000 vs. Tri Light vs. Amergraph 750
« on: July 01, 2013, 12:08:41 PM »
Ok, can any of you having experience with one or more of these units give me some feed back (pros/cons, etc.) -- either post or pm me would be great.  Trying to weigh the options. 

The Richmond 3000, btw, we would be using the 7,000 watt bulb, which the SM3000 can accommodate, and the 6k bulb on the tri light -- the amergraph uses a 7,500 watt bulb.  I've received the maker's reasons, but would love to hear more feed back from actual users of the equipment - nice features, not so nice features, etc. that are helpful for production (optimally, from someone who's had experience with more than one).  .. Or am I splitting hairs at this point?

Thanks in advance.
« Last Edit: July 01, 2013, 12:14:04 PM by ScreenPrinter123 »