Author Topic: IR Dryer misconception  (Read 8977 times)

Offline mk162

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Re: IR Dryer misconception
« Reply #30 on: June 25, 2013, 03:48:48 PM »
darryl, when you finally make it up here, check out our interchange, they make them pretty small.  I would do things differently in the future though.

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Re: IR Dryer misconception
« Reply #31 on: June 25, 2013, 04:53:43 PM »
Brad I was up your way last Friday and Saturday, but it was such a whirl wind getting my son from camp to camp and hotels we just didn't have time, I was hoping to drop him off and swing by your place for a hour.  We will be headed to Rome next month so maybe I'll have time then.

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Re: IR Dryer misconception
« Reply #32 on: June 25, 2013, 11:06:07 PM »
cool, also, high voltage prints from the boards is up that way.

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Re: IR Dryer misconception
« Reply #33 on: June 26, 2013, 10:18:34 AM »
Have you looked at Anatol's new (36" wide belt)  series of Gas Dryers -
Michael Jirasek
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Re: IR Dryer misconception
« Reply #34 on: June 26, 2013, 10:20:28 AM »
personally, I would do an interchange again, but I would have added an IR bump panel.

or I would have bought a dryer from winston...his design is sweet

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Re: IR Dryer misconception
« Reply #35 on: June 26, 2013, 12:04:38 PM »
Gas is out of the question, I would love to get a 36 or a touch wider if it was about 10 feet or less in length IR dryer.

Life is like Kool-Aid, gotta add sugar/hardwork to make it sweet!!

Offline alan802

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Re: IR Dryer misconception
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2013, 12:14:57 PM »
I personally would do whatever it took to get a gas dryer in my shop.  Even if it looks like too much work or whatever the case may be, I wouldn't stop trying until it was literally impossible or if the dryer guru's said it was impossible.
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Offline blue moon

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Re: IR Dryer misconception
« Reply #37 on: June 26, 2013, 06:52:57 PM »
I personally would do whatever it took to get a gas dryer in my shop.  Even if it looks like too much work or whatever the case may be, I wouldn't stop trying until it was literally impossible or if the dryer guru's said it was impossible.

all I have to say is our last gas bill was $160 for one of our busiest months ever! This is for the Interchange MD-8. It is much bigger than our 10' electric, but it costs less to run and will produce so much more. There are also no more fears of overcooking stuff.

Yes, we've won our share of awards, and yes, I've tested stuff and read the scientific papers, but ultimately take everything I say with more than just a grain of salt! So if you are looking for trouble, just do as I say or even better, do something I said years ago!

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Re: Re: IR Dryer misconception
« Reply #38 on: June 26, 2013, 07:44:46 PM »
personally, I would do an interchange again, but I would have added an IR bump panel.

or I would have bought a dryer from winston...his design is sweet

You will have to excuse me here, what dryer does Winston make and who is this fellow?  I am finalizing my list for a new dryer.


Hopefully I'll never have to grow up and get a real job...

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Re: IR Dryer misconception
« Reply #39 on: June 26, 2013, 09:47:33 PM »
I personally would do whatever it took to get a gas dryer in my shop.  Even if it looks like too much work or whatever the case may be, I wouldn't stop trying until it was literally impossible or if the dryer guru's said it was impossible.

all I have to say is our last gas bill was $160 for one of our busiest months ever! This is for the Interchange MD-8. It is much bigger than our 10' electric, but it costs less to run and will produce so much more. There are also no more fears of overcooking stuff.


Jealous.  Our last electric bill broke records, I think it was almost $900 for our sub 2k sf shop, single shift and we only print/run dryer about 6-7 hours a day.  We're guesstimating about 300-400 is the TexAir dryer.   Just talked about taking an SBA equip loan on something like an interchange, need to crunch numbers on it but I think the payment + gas bill really would be the same or less than the current electric charges.  I would be shickled titless to have a $160 gas bill instead. 

Offline mk162

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Re: IR Dryer misconception
« Reply #40 on: June 26, 2013, 09:55:27 PM »
there is a freaking $75 charge just to have gas around here...per month, and it's still cheaper than our old electric.

Winston is a dryer guru, I don't have his number handy, but Sonny can get it for you, I think he has it memorized.

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Re: IR Dryer misconception
« Reply #41 on: June 26, 2013, 10:27:52 PM »
Winston = great dude! 

Util companies drive me up a wall.  Seriously?  A charge so you can have the privilege of overpaying them?  grrrrr... our state got suckered into a bunch of jive talk from a former gov who was in bed with a util holding co. and a big part of our rates come from us "privatizing" the utilities in the state- one company owns all the lines now and has since the bill passed. 

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Re: IR Dryer misconception
« Reply #42 on: June 26, 2013, 10:35:16 PM »

Offline GraphicDisorder

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Re: IR Dryer misconception
« Reply #43 on: June 27, 2013, 07:01:06 AM »
I personally would do whatever it took to get a gas dryer in my shop.  Even if it looks like too much work or whatever the case may be, I wouldn't stop trying until it was literally impossible or if the dryer guru's said it was impossible.

all I have to say is our last gas bill was $160 for one of our busiest months ever! This is for the Interchange MD-8. It is much bigger than our 10' electric, but it costs less to run and will produce so much more. There are also no more fears of overcooking stuff.


Jealous.  Our last electric bill broke records, I think it was almost $900 for our sub 2k sf shop, single shift and we only print/run dryer about 6-7 hours a day.  We're guesstimating about 300-400 is the TexAir dryer.   Just talked about taking an SBA equip loan on something like an interchange, need to crunch numbers on it but I think the payment + gas bill really would be the same or less than the current electric charges.  I would be shickled titless to have a $160 gas bill instead.

Our electric went down and so did our gas when we went to a gas dryer.  Reason being is we were heating the warehouse with 220k btu gas heaters (2), well now the M&R Dryer is out there and we never have to use the gas to heat the warehouse.  The dryer does it for us.  I think our gas bill is around 100-175 range all year and that is with gas heat, gas water heater, gas dryer, and gas heaters in warehouse.  Used to touch $300-400 in winter when we used the heaters.  So I am saving a good bit on the gas bill. 
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Re: IR Dryer misconception
« Reply #44 on: June 27, 2013, 09:50:37 AM »
Our manual sits in the corner like a shamed child. I think we used it once last year.
Should probably get rid of it but can't bring myself to do it....

Exactly the same here.  I have move things from under/around/in between arms to print on the thing, and it's only for a sleeve print or leg print which are scarce these days.

I have about 1800 sq/ft and I managed to squeeze in a 60" precision vortex that's 20' long. I can barely squeeze a cart of shirts by it, but damn it's worth it!