Author Topic: BITO Offers New E Laser Two-Head  (Read 1834 times)

Offline Deborah Sexton

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BITO Offers New E Laser Two-Head
« on: July 06, 2011, 03:55:11 PM »
Double your productivity and incrementally increase your speed with the Proel Two-Head E Laser machine offered exclusively by BITO. This versatile inline laser-cutting machine can be attached to a two-head machine to do integrated cutting and embroidery of appliqué and emblems.

In addition to higher productivity, you’ll be able to offer the latest techniques in appliqué such as reverse and distressed. Cut multiple layers of fabric at the same time to create exciting two- and three-color designs or use different types of fabric to add interest with a variety of textures. Offer unique looks that your competition can’t touch.

The patented Proel E Laser system uses the embroidery machine frame movement to guide the laser. Its fiber optics technology is more reliable and requires less maintenance than a mirror-directed laser beam. And, the E Laser can be attached to any make or model of embroidery equipment.

The laser is mounted 1 1/2 inches above the fabric and cutting is accurate to within 1/100th of an inch. The power can easily be adjusted to match a range of fabric thicknesses and design needs by rotating the laser power knob. Guided by special laser-cutting software designed by Proel called FocusCut III, the laser cuts only within the sewing area of an embroidery hoop.

With the E Laser, appliqué fabric is simply laid over the hooped garment where it is cut without any need for sticky adhesive sprays. Once it’s cut, the embroidery machine automatically sews the appliqué according to whatever stitch is selected.

For more information, contact BITO at 866-BITO-USA (866-248-687); e-mail: or visit the Web site at Check out the E-Laser in action on Youtube at
. For a video of the cap option at