"He who marches out of step hears another drum." ~ Ken Kesey
Do this: do not open the files with Illy, but open a blank page, then "Place" the document (File menu). ("Place" is what Illy calls "Import") After you place it, go to the Object menu, scroll down to "Flatten Transparency", and in the dialog window for that, make sure the "Convert all text to outlines" box is checked, that should do it for you...Steve
were these the original files they sent? If so thy aren't simple fonts. Looks like someone tried to make it 3 demensional or drop shadow.The fonts are Bankgothic and the other looks to be very close to Cataneo. On my computer anyways. But again they have been manipulated in these files. Nothing worked for me (import-place-open) you may have to upload the original file and see if anyone can open them up. It might help
Once I downloaded it, I could see that the extruded text and the CROSSFiT were not vectors. I opened in Photoshop, and there is some funky effect, kind stitch-like on the edges of the larger text. The bottom text looks fine. When I zoomed way in, there are a few more subtle colors in the purple, which again, makes me think that they were originally raster, but who knows at this point. But if this is all you have, and you want to make it a 2 color, then sep it in PS to get it done.Steve