screen printing > Separations

proper way to sep/print 2 white screens of same image

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thanks guys, great advice!

I have a repeat order that I keep on press practially all the time unless for some reason I need a seventh or eighth color. It's normally a lime green upper left chest imprint about 3 x 3 inches on black shirts. The white underbase is choked slightly. I occasionally print the job as white on red shirts. I find that the job looks better printing the white through both screens instead of a double hit of the overprint screen. The text has fine serifs and there's a descender with a thin outline that reveals the shirt color as it passes through the art that wants to plug up if I p/f/p the overprint screen. Could be my technique that's poor on the second pass that would squoze the overprint out past it's own edge, but I've just started using the underbase.

just tried the tape trick --just took 2 test prints to dial it in!  Great time saver--thanks inkman.   

i do one of several things...1, i use a very light gray as an underbase.  2, i very lightly color the first reg mark with a blue magic marker.  3, the tape trick

Good ideas guys shoot I just line up my screens as normal, but I do burn the white on different mesh counts so the white want be so thick (bullet Proof)


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