Author Topic: Apologizing:  (Read 2851 times)

Offline Dottonedan

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« on: May 13, 2013, 11:42:42 AM »

I moved this here to a new page so that members who might not follow that last thread will get a chance to see it here.

I hate having to be at this point and I don't hate apologizing, I hate having a reason to. Im a little ashamed of my behavior. After some thinking about my own behavior in all if this, I let my own self be blinded by what I can only describe as, well, I don't really have an answer. If I had to guess, maybe I was a little protective.  Maybe I was overreacting to what really didn't need defending or was not worth defending at all.  I donno. At any rate, my reaction and the way I carried myself was in a word...childish.
Maybe even selfish. I don't know where that fits in, but it may somewhere.

Point bring, I need to first apologies to our long time forum members here. You've trusted this place and me to maintain that friendly family atmosphere. I allowed even myself to get overzealous and blocked out the good that our new guest bring. No matter wether they are wrong, right or what have you, I did not handle myself in a proper manor. It's taken me years to get halfway to behaving like and adult and I can occasionally lose sight of where I should be.

To Jeff and Tom, I also apologize.
What ever your reasons, it's not really my place to question or make accusation about how you sell your products and I was indeed out of line for doing so.

Thank you all for taking the time to read this sincere apology.
Dan Campbell
Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail

Offline GaryG

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Re: Apologizing:
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2013, 03:45:07 PM »
Sounds good to me- What say the game changer?

Offline Texas Slick

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Re: Apologizing:
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2013, 04:28:05 PM »
Howdy, Ya'all
Thank you Dan. I've stayed out of all this even tho I wanted to chime in. I personally love Tom's products. That said I was really offended that the threads took the tone they did. This is exactly what's wrong with the country right now. You can't blink your eyes, blow your nose or have an opinion without somebody getting bent outta shape. Hopefully this will change with more people realizing that they aren't the only person in the universe. Once again cudos to Dan and Tom keep up the outstanding work.
Nuff said
Jimmy Sturrock aka Texas Slick

Offline inkman996

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Re: Apologizing:
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2013, 05:00:49 PM »
I would much prefer to see Tom put his tone away and Dan take time to debate all the technical differences the two are so passionate about. After watching toms channels video there appears to be a lot of accurate information, it would be great to hear from someone like Dan that uses channels a lot explain the pros and cons to toms assert actions and vice verse. If Tom could keep the tone,out of his posts I am sure Dan would feel more comfortable in discussing the processes.
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Offline Dottonedan

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Re: Apologizing:
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2013, 05:13:30 PM »
Thanks all,

I am choosing not to participate in any debates. It's not good for me to do so and I don't really have the time. Someone else can that is just as skilled as I am. Maybe Scott from Myseps, or a Jeremy Duncan perhaps if they like. 
Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail

Offline myseps

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Re: Apologizing:
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2013, 06:05:40 PM »
I am also choosing not to participate color separations by Scott D.   Follow me on facebook

Offline nobrainsd

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Re: Apologizing:
« Reply #6 on: May 13, 2013, 07:22:33 PM »
Wise you will be.

No apology necessary Dan and I appreciate the fine line you walk as moderator as opposed to a mere forum participant. Or maybe I should say, wise you both are. Why would anyone want to engage in this sort of discourse?

In the end I hope that everyone else is screenprinting for the same reason I am, because I want to. I try to surround myself with people that make me feel positive. It is not all about the business or a product. Enjoy your lives and embrace those things that engage you. Let the rest go.


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Re: Apologizing:
« Reply #7 on: May 14, 2013, 01:00:59 AM »
Apology accepted..

But first let’s quality the need for this apology…

Over on the other thread here there were many things posted and deleted sometimes within minutes. Detailed powerful statements.. such as..

“The only reason you (referring to Tom) are still around is because Pierre wants to get the information”

This and many other totally off the wall offensive posts that have been deleted. Along with my own posts deleted and even edited.

This conduct can be traced back to another forum in which I am referred to as…

Quoting Dan… from

“Why nailing you down as some sort of creep? Because your actions of how you get where you are (are creepy)”

Now let’s define the word creepy..

Creep•y  /ˈkrēpē/

Causing fear or unease: "creepy feelings in a strange house"

Let’s quote the other thread again…

Dan again…

“If its doing so good, and works so well, why not stop trying to compare it to what a manual pro might do manually in photoshop and just sell it on its own merits. Stop flicking around with "people" and their busineses and focus on your own.”

My response.. First I have no fear of comparisons and for good reason. Which is why we have nothing to hide I have clearly taught how to do this manually. Opened it up for testing and results comparisons.

My business is other peoples businesses I am responsible and accountable to deliver verifiable facts, techniques and workflow’s that are based on understanding the needs of the small businesses in this industry.

If I find any practice in this industry that is not correct it is my job to correct it. And if I feel a serious correction is needed in something like color, I will pursue it. Now you would say I am not fair and I am this and that.. But 4 to 6 hour color separation workflows because color is a disaster in this industry. Color is just not that hard. I know that for a fact and I have taken a strong position on that for good reason.

Quoting Dan again..

“Most pros don't bash auto sep programs because we know its enviable. Change is good. It's the steam engine all over again. Great! Most pros would want a program to help them sep a job faster and easier. I know I do. They are tools. Not the enemy.

What have I said.. The days of manual seps are coming to an end. Mark those words, I am deep in the color arena and math and I know this statement is mathematically correct.

Within a year this will be a reality. But the days of correcting pixels and prepping art for separation will remain. Because pulling out backgrounds and fixing JPG damage will remain.

Now looking at Dan’s statements how have I gone from a Creep to not an enemy to my posts being edited and Dan’s statements like…

“The only reason you (referring to Tom) are still around is because Pierre wants to get the information”

Which the above rant was one of many admin rants and raves.. That were deleted.

Now to end this and I say this as AdvancedArtist if you are a pro separator you have 6 to 12 months no more and mark my words. I am not boasting it is a fact I am looking at it with Jeff in a meeting right now planning the next steps. Splits, pulls, pops, colors it is all math.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 02:34:35 AM by AdvancedArtist »

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Re: Apologizing:
« Reply #8 on: May 14, 2013, 02:29:06 AM »
Lock this Thread Frog. Lets stop this crap already. I come to read screen printing info, like others, not this drama crap. There is no usable info about anything, that will help anyone in this tread. Lock it, delete it, shove it, just get rid of this crap.

Maybe add an info only section that no replys are allowed. Tom can write one Article style post (with videos) that is written in a positive way approved by the mods. No reply's allowed this is just a area for info. Toms goal is to get info out and this will do that. If he has info to add, that post can be added to by him. There is no reason to have post after post about the same stuff, with no added info. One section, one post edited with updates. I honestly think this is a good idea for many topics that come up alot. One centralized area with articles not replys on topics. Tony could write one on waterbase inks that does not give out any info. (that was a joke) Tom can write one on this sep game changer. Pierre can write one on award winning prints that took days. Alan can write one on making emultion thicker then a brick wall. Frog can write one on how I print with half a face. Brendt can post one on lowball'n with a phat wallet. Sam can write one on making Friends for your business. Eric can post one on the roller thing. Deborah Sexton can write one on posting but never answering questions. Rich can post one on sell it on service. I can write one on how everyone has a opinion but sometimes they need to keep it to themselves if it does not add to the conversation. 

Well I think I offended enough people now...

Its just an idea, Play Nice!
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 04:55:04 AM by Jon »


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Re: Apologizing:
« Reply #9 on: May 14, 2013, 02:54:44 AM »
But one thing Jon I want feed back and comparison so if say Tony has an issue with seps I want to know about it, compare it etc. So all we really need to do is put opinions aside and look at the facts bottom line. Separating the experts will not produce the best result. Get the experts out of ego and into evaluation that will change things and I am open to that.

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Re: Apologizing:
« Reply #10 on: May 14, 2013, 03:41:32 AM »
But one thing Jon I want feed back and comparison so if say Tony has an issue with seps I want to know about it, compare it etc. So all we really need to do is put opinions aside and look at the facts bottom line. Separating the experts will not produce the best result. Get the experts out of ego and into evaluation that will change things and I am open to that.


I understand that. If that is what your wanting at the end of your "Article" you can put your email. You don't have to repost the same info to get feed back. Be honest with yourself and us, have you used this system? Would you put it up against a professional sep guy and have the printed shirt judged for a winner? I don't mean just a simple spot color or basic simpro. I am talking about overlapping colors to mix to 2 to 3 layers of additional colors. Using the shirt color to mix with colors with and with out underbases. There is a ton of great sep programs out there. The problem with all of them is they do not have a brain and they do not have eyes. No program can be creative. I am interested in this system of yours if it all pans out. The problem is this forum is not helping you with your goal. Your fault or the forum members fault who cares. I have never seen anyone win the blame game. If I was representing a product and I was not liking the way it was being received I would change my approach or repackage the product in a much less offensive package. I think that is the part your missing about everyone's posts. You maybe the greatest Art guy in the world. Your a smart guy. If I was marketing a product I would not have a art guy do it. I would hire the greatest marketing guy in the world. Your not doing your product any good. I am not attacking you. I really wish everyone on this forum the best. I am only saying something because this forum is being hurt. These are all good guys on here.

That is all I have, I will now step down as the forum mediator.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2013, 03:44:51 AM by Jon »

Offline inkman996

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Re: Apologizing:
« Reply #11 on: May 14, 2013, 07:01:58 AM »
Once again Tom can't let it die, he replies to dans apology with the same attitude and zero accountability of his own.  Not my call but I would be happy to see Tom go away since it is becoming obvious he is the one reigniting this BS over and over again.

In my opinion tom is nothing more than a sleaze ball salesman.
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Re: Apologizing:
« Reply #12 on: May 14, 2013, 07:14:57 AM »
Once again Tom can't let it die, he replies to dans apology with the same attitude and zero accountability of his own.  Not my call but I would be happy to see Tom go away since it is becoming obvious he is the one reigniting this BS over and over again.

In my opinion tom is nothing more than a sleaze ball salesman.

I agree fully with this. 
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Offline Dottonedan

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Re: Apologizing:
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2013, 08:16:39 AM »
In an ongoing effort to avoid bad threads and name calling, these are the reasons for post deletions. It's been noted that its not good for us or the forum in general to state your opinion in a negative way especially in this case with Tom and Jeff. It only leads to more of the same. The intent for my appology was and is only to make the public appology to the forum. I should have locked it at that time. In an effort to clean this one up, I will split it and lock it, or just leave it locked here as it is. I have a feeling our partners would rather not have the southern turned thread attached to the apology. For now, it will be locked.

Thanks for your understanding.
Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail