Here's a goody.
Starts with a 3.5 x .4 inch company name text, lc, embroidery. Contract job.
We indicate the text is so small as to be unreadable on the garments. We don't know what we are talking about. Goods arrive 5 days late, and now this "professional" wants a protoype to show his customer. Ok fine. We do and send. Holy moly! Customer can,t get with the mini text. Ok. Sending in a replacement garment. We redo at new size 1.5 inch and it takes two lines to fit on lc.
Send virtual. Get approval. Finally run job. Send job. Get call. Why is it on two lines? What is he to do if customer does not like it? Why did we put it on two lines, he did not realize proof was how it would look. 3 phone calls later, tell him take the damm stuff and see what the customer says. He will probably love it as you could not read his previous shirts for staff.
Now has two more jobs. We are busy. Too busy. If you are so stupid to be in this industry and not know what a proof is, you are too stupid to help. Ya can't fix stupid, and if you can't make money on stupid, walk away.