Author Topic: Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB  (Read 10664 times)


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Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB
« on: May 06, 2013, 11:49:53 PM »
Get ready, a massive paradigm shift is coming to screen printing and color/separations mark my words...

The HSB color model was written by Alvy Ray Smith in 1978, he later corrected this color model with the HWB color model.  We have been working to open this up in Adobe and Corel.  This is really interesting because it so easy and we understand now how to work the ink properties into this color model that is a correction of the HSB we know.  ICISS and even we have worked by following HSB but this is the key to really understanding and opening up color for screen printing.   This goes way beyond color and separations and into every aspect of art and printing.

See this document where the author of HSB corrects the errors in HSB.

In PS we have found ways to nail down colors with ink properties in layers all laid out with flawless dot gain settings that you can dial in against test prints from your presses.

HWB is not very different from HSB, but is far easier to understand.  And Alvy says it is even more accurate and faster to compute.

Some have said the manual separator will never be replaced, I disagree. Because math is math!

And at the end of the day, the job of a printer is simply to recreate an exact copy of the original.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2013, 11:57:35 PM by AdvancedArtist »


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Re: Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2013, 12:56:48 AM »
What if? All the complexity of color/separations was replaced with simplicity? Simple spectrum's of basic color broken down into grey scales that could be seped out any way you want to go?

Stand by everything is about to change... 8)

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Re: Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2013, 08:43:40 AM »
Some have said the manual separator will never be replaced, I disagree. Because math is math!

I disagree

Your basing all this off the fact you can seperate an image on screen to look exactly like the original image. OK thats cool but that does nothing for the variables we have to deal with on press and pre-press. I can take any raster in Corel or Photoshop and split the CMYK channels and the channels will look exactly like the original. But we all know thats useless for us because it does not print like that on press not even remotely close. If I were to send a Sep artist like Dan a raster to be sepped for CMYK I would tell him exactly what process inks I am using. They come in different strengths and they also are different by each brand. I am pretty sure Dan knows the characteristics of these inks and seps accordingly.

Another way I look at this is digitizing. Any body here that digitizes knows that you cannot digitize something to look exactly like the image on screen. There is to many variables happening when you stitch out a logo. A quality digitized logo on screen looks wrong on screen, what you are seeing is push and pull compensation, you are seeing varying densities and odd looking stitching orders of certain elements. A human digitizer understands all this stuff and sets the logo to look correct after it is run even tho on screen it looks way wrong. Same principal for a human separator.

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Re: Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2013, 09:02:56 AM »
Not going to get too deep into this foray but I have always said that a good separator knows how to print and a truly good printer can at least think like a separator. The kind of synergy I have with my long term guy is priceless.

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Re: Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2013, 01:39:10 PM »
without talking about the purple dino here, I will say that from what I have seen (a little more than has been made public so far), I see why Tom is soo excited. One of the problems is they keep finding new things and just as they are about to publish what they have, new better stuff comes up. I am not sure if the HSB-HBW is going to be one of them, but they certainly think so. The work going into separating in layers can be a paradigm shift if it works out. It really has the potential to be that big. Will it ever replace the manual separators? No, but it might produce the results with a pushbutton that will be very good and on top of that (more importantly) give the manual separators new tools that are not available in channels.

Yes, we've won our share of awards, and yes, I've tested stuff and read the scientific papers, but ultimately take everything I say with more than just a grain of salt! So if you are looking for trouble, just do as I say or even better, do something I said years ago!

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Re: Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2013, 03:03:52 PM »
without talking about the purple dino here, I will say that from what I have seen (a little more than has been made public so far), I see why Tom is soo excited. One of the problems is they keep finding new things and just as they are about to publish what they have, new better stuff comes up. I am not sure if the HSB-HBW is going to be one of them, but they certainly think so. The work going into separating in layers can be a paradigm shift if it works out. It really has the potential to be that big. Will it ever replace the manual separators? No, but it might produce the results with a pushbutton that will be very good and on top of that (more importantly) give the manual separators new tools that are not available in channels.


Everything Pierre said..  Thought it was just me.

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Re: Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB
« Reply #6 on: May 07, 2013, 04:02:54 PM »
If this were all new I could see the point. However it is a little old and annoying especially since these things that he is talking about are not new. They have been being used now for a while by top shelf sep guys. Now I do think it would be great to have them at the push of a button for sure. Who would not? I just find the marketing pretty annoying.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid...... Ben Franklin

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Re: Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB
« Reply #7 on: May 07, 2013, 04:10:59 PM »
If this were all new I could see the point. However it is a little old and annoying especially since these things that he is talking about are not new. They have been being used now for a while by top shelf sep guys. Now I do think it would be great to have them at the push of a button for sure. Who would not? I just find the marketing pretty annoying.

while the marketing is not quite to everybody's liking (I do think it is getting better though) I believe we'll get something worth waiting for. It will depend on their implementations.

I am pretty sure all the high end guys are using channels. I am not aware anybody out there is separating in layers. Agreed that HSB is not new. That is going to be the biggest difference in my opinion. 

Yes, we've won our share of awards, and yes, I've tested stuff and read the scientific papers, but ultimately take everything I say with more than just a grain of salt! So if you are looking for trouble, just do as I say or even better, do something I said years ago!


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Re: Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB
« Reply #8 on: May 07, 2013, 07:34:43 PM »
Thanks for the posts… For the record again! Let’s look at the OP I was referring to a different color model not HSB but HWB or Hue/Color, Whiteness and Blackness which was developed by the scientist behind the HSB color model as a correction to some flaws in the HSB color model.

Did you read the document I posted before you went off?

Did I say anything about my products?

Did I call anybody names?

Did I insult anyone?

Did I say something about color and color separations? Did I disagree? Yes I did! However, am not I entitled to my opinions or do I need to conform the way I share knowledge to be acceptable to you?

If you are uncomfortable with how share information and my opinions then do not read my posts.

Once again I have not insulted anyone and I am getting blasted left and right. Please take the time to read my posts and presented information carefully before you jump to conclusions. Because some of you completely missed what my post was about.

I would think that everyone in this thread would be passionate about understanding color and how it works. After all we are artists and printers.

Paradigm shifts are in motion in this industry and not just in color, look around you. Just the mere fact that CorelDRAW users are sepping high-end with simple slider tools is a paradigm shift..

What is a paradigm shift?

A paradigm shift (or revolutionary science) is, according to Thomas Kuhn, in his influential book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962), a change in the basic assumptions, or paradigms, within the ruling theory of science.

Previously our ruling theory of science in color separations in the screen printing industry was not based on any science. It was majorly based on slam the color into channels (which is really like trying to put a square peg in a round hole and thus such a problem) and then tweak and sometime tweak for hours. Further sometimes it went to get it on press and then oh damn let’s fix it.

Now hopefully with some of the information coming out we are starting to shift out what was and into what is possible.

A year ago I myself did not think these separations were possible in CorelDRAW. Why? Because my head was over  loaded with ignorance and really bad information and opinions concerning color spaces, color models, color separations and how these things should be handled and done. That has changed and will continue to change.

Now back to HWB


Apparently we are not the first ones to look at this color model either..

It seems Light Wave is using it due to some flaws in the RGB and HSL color models. Now if the guys writing the color tools for the Holly Wood level animation programs are using this color model.

Maybe we screen and squeegee peeps should take a look at it. Maybe we should understand it, maybe it should be like back of our hands. Because HWB is exactly how we print with colors, whites and blacks.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2013, 08:40:40 PM by AdvancedArtist »

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Re: Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB
« Reply #9 on: May 07, 2013, 07:57:57 PM »
I think many here feel like you are the town crier. I personally don`t have much of a problem with it as I`m just after the info in your posts and all the rest is just "show". As a matter of fact I do appreciate learning all the different aspects of separating art as it makes me a better printer. Thanks to guys like Ben at Rising Sun Graphics for example I managed to improve a lot of our work and got my workflow streamlined. Next I will be looking in CoralDraw to see what the differences are separating in HSB. For smaller shops like ours where the same person does the art and printing these posts are great.


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Re: Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB
« Reply #10 on: May 07, 2013, 08:23:23 PM »
I think many here feel like you are the town crier. I personally don`t have much of a problem with it as I`m just after the info in your posts and all the rest is just "show". As a matter of fact I do appreciate learning all the different aspects of separating art as it makes me a better printer. Thanks to guys like Ben at Rising Sun Graphics for example I managed to improve a lot of our work and got my workflow streamlined. Next I will be looking in CoralDraw to see what the differences are separating in HSB. For smaller shops like ours where the same person does the art and printing these posts are great.

Hold off on the Corel.. the PhotoShop stuff is coming no need to switch and it wont just be about products and plugins. Plugins are nice but you need to understand how the applications handle color and why the color models are important. We teach the manual and color models because, well your understanding of color is far more important than any plugin. The same with your artists if they do not understand the color then they are are at a disadvantage and workflow will have issues. It will take some time but we will spell all of this out. I think within the next two months we will have all this opened up across all the major graphics applications.

I spent almost 2 decades blind about these things limiting my potential in art and on press because I did not understand. We will get this understanding out effectively and we have good reputable people to work with in this process like Pierre who is willing to work with us in testing and taking this apart and exposing it. There is allot to come..

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Re: Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB
« Reply #11 on: May 08, 2013, 08:06:47 AM »
I am going to do this post in english as I do not have the time for the spanish.  But with that I think AA products in corel are excellent.  I have several of his products and have master few( but i have several other and I am not promoting him persay but his way of working in corel).  There is a learning curve for that way of seps for sure.  but The best thing I have learned from him are the use of macros and his desktop set up.  If I had more time I would elaborate more.   I have read the post and yes he may be brass about it but put that aside and do look at what he is doing.  it is very new to do it in corel.  I learned on corel first(14 years) then went to photoshop for the high end stuff and have been coming back more and more over the last 2-3 years in corel since we have started to do full custom dye shirts.  but his method is very interesting so take his approach with a lightness and discover what he is bringing. 

well got to get back to work

catch this later in the day

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Re: Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB
« Reply #12 on: May 08, 2013, 12:07:02 PM »
I am going to do this post in english as I do not have the time for the spanish.  But with that I think AA products in corel are excellent.  I have several of his products and have master few( but i have several other and I am not promoting him persay but his way of working in corel).  There is a learning curve for that way of seps for sure.  but The best thing I have learned from him are the use of macros and his desktop set up.  If I had more time I would elaborate more.   I have read the post and yes he may be brass about it but put that aside and do look at what he is doing.  it is very new to do it in corel.  I learned on corel first(14 years) then went to photoshop for the high end stuff and have been coming back more and more over the last 2-3 years in corel since we have started to do full custom dye shirts.  but his method is very interesting so take his approach with a lightness and discover what he is bringing. 

well got to get back to work

catch this later in the day
in either language it is what it is
en cualquier idioma es lo mismo cabrones

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Re: Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB
« Reply #13 on: May 08, 2013, 02:56:03 PM »
If we are going to have people jumping ship over this guy, he's not worth having here.

I am pretty sure he is not talking about jumping ship over "this guy" but for the other post in the thread.  If you don't like Tom and you don't like his products and it's not a product you are interested in then why do you care how he presents it?  Are you a separator?

I understand the tone implied in his post could be interpreted as brash but some of the posters posting in this thread are just as guilty.  If someone questions their business model, pricing, how they approach customers, size of their orders, etc. then they get defensive just like Tom does.  Each one of us is as guilty as the other one.  So whichever one of you that has not responded or posted in a thread with a "tone" that is less than friendly then fire away!!!  Given that not sure any of us should be responding.

Pierre responded in a professional manner (as usual).  He told you there is merit to what Tom is stating and also expressed that some of it may be blown out of proportion.  You gotta take the good with the bad.  Do I think this guy is trying to just sell his product and boot everyone else to the curb?  No!  If he is smart enough to do what he does then he is smart enough to do something else where he could make a ton more money.  Given that I believe his intention is to educate and his way of doing is a little "annoying" but if we ignore that part and take the bad with the good then I believe his product will help the industry.  Most likely we are all in his position and should we choose to do so could make more money with less headache without dealing with this industry.  Lets not act like our customers.

We do all of our separations yes, well save maybe 2-5 jobs we have sent out to Dan and another guy.

He's earned the type of response he has gotten.  Not any real need to imply a tone, he showed up with a tone.  First impressions are everything.  Tom needs a lesson in that far more than the rest of us need a lesson on separations apparently.  That's how I see it from the cheap seats.


I think the really big point Tom is trying to make is that the seps you are NOT sending to Dan will look better and be easier to print. I don't see him preaching to Dan's of this world, but to the guys in the shops who will now have it easier to print and sep.

Most of our jobs will still go to Dan as that is what most of our customers require. Few jobs that I sep here will now look better and be easier to do.

Yes, we've won our share of awards, and yes, I've tested stuff and read the scientific papers, but ultimately take everything I say with more than just a grain of salt! So if you are looking for trouble, just do as I say or even better, do something I said years ago!

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Re: Another Color Correction HSB moving to HWB
« Reply #14 on: May 08, 2013, 03:13:19 PM »

Maybe you can translate what Tom is saying. What has he said that we would have learned that? All his posts are hype for the up coming end of the world in separating. What program do you use to get these better faster seps? Where are all the people that use this way of seping why are they not on here showing the greatness of it. If its so new that he can't share it then why is he sharing so much hype about it. From what I have read this is changing all the time.

I have no problem with Tom he can act how he wants. His rep is the only thing that is getting hurt here. I just have a problem seeing post after post of hype with no content. This is a forum of content and a place for friendly screen printers, embroiders and artists to share info and learn. I don't think this forum would last long is we all just came here to hype up our next print project and not offer up content or how it was done.

Lets see the facts not inflated wishes and dreams but the facts. How is it easier, better and faster.