Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
I can see where Corel could make some tweaks win some hearts and market share.RT Screen Designs www.rtscreendesigns.com
Put me down under the not likening it category. But there is not much I could do about it. When I open up Corel, I just stare blankly. Now, I usually stare blankly at the computer, but I at least I come up with something so it sounds like I was focusing. But Corel, I am just lost. I've been using Adobe since high school, it just makes sense. Has it been confirmed that it runs locally on your machine or is that speculation? If it is not run locally it is a horrible idea. What happens when my connection goes down? That is great Amazon is up 100% but my local ISP is not. We were down for 3 days a few weeks ago, felt like we coulden't do anything. Now we were able to improvise and use paper(remember that) but if we weren't able to output films or do art for those 3 days I coulden't imagine that.