screen printing > Non Textile
Who can do poster printing 4-5k imprints total
Looking for someone to do 1k posters, 4 or 5 colors printed. We don't have a clamshell press for this, just a manual so we need to outsource it. TW-5500 inks preferred. 13x18 paper, 11x16 print on it.
Call Russell @ 404-767-8081. This is what he does. He is extremely good at it. Located in Atlanta.
--- Quote from: Printficient on May 06, 2013, 11:59:10 AM ---Call Russell @ 404-767-8081. This is what he does. He is extremely good at it. Located in Atlanta.
--- End quote ---
no go, he's too busy
You might try Dixie Seal. 404-875-8883
is digital print or offset out. This sounds like something zoo printing or another paper printer could do very fast/cheap.
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