Author Topic: Coronavirus - effects on business  (Read 49891 times)

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Re: Coronavirus - effects on business
« Reply #375 on: July 26, 2020, 08:41:38 PM »
I also have a HUGE problem with the double standards.  A lot of it IS the media.  Look at how the frame stuff.

You can't do funerals, or have in person schooling, but you can protest all you huge crowds.  If you want to have school you are wanting dad teachers, but if you loot and burn buildings you are a protester.  No, those are rioters.

Also, chicken wings aren't a meal, but a sandwich is?  Cuomo has killed more people than Florida, Texas, Georgia combined, and yet the media says he's done a great job.  over 20% of all US deaths were in NY.  Add NJ, MA, and PA into it and it's nearing 50% of all deaths.  And yet, down here in the south we are a bunch of dumb rednecks.

The media is nobody's friend.  And I am lumping all of them in there.  I have a special hatred of CNN because it's in my hometown.  I used to be so proud of that since the only other thing we had was Coke.  I guess I'll have to just stick with my hate-chicken now.

I'm in NJ and I can tell you the main reason our area is hit so hard is because of how densly populated we are. There's more people in my small county then many states in the Midwest which are 1000 times the size. That being said, yeah a lot of people have rocks in their heads around here lol. I have no hate for the south!
Well I`m not so sure that is the real reason. Even though I`m located at the other side of the Pacific, Tokyo with a population of 13,000,000 and the greater Tokyo area with almost 40,000,000 has not seen any numbers as NJ has. And I can tell you Tokyo is a lot more dense populated then NJ.

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Re: Coronavirus - effects on business
« Reply #376 on: July 27, 2020, 08:28:21 AM »
I also have a HUGE problem with the double standards.  A lot of it IS the media.  Look at how the frame stuff.

You can't do funerals, or have in person schooling, but you can protest all you huge crowds.  If you want to have school you are wanting dad teachers, but if you loot and burn buildings you are a protester.  No, those are rioters.

Also, chicken wings aren't a meal, but a sandwich is?  Cuomo has killed more people than Florida, Texas, Georgia combined, and yet the media says he's done a great job.  over 20% of all US deaths were in NY.  Add NJ, MA, and PA into it and it's nearing 50% of all deaths.  And yet, down here in the south we are a bunch of dumb rednecks.

The media is nobody's friend.  And I am lumping all of them in there.  I have a special hatred of CNN because it's in my hometown.  I used to be so proud of that since the only other thing we had was Coke.  I guess I'll have to just stick with my hate-chicken now.

I'm in NJ and I can tell you the main reason our area is hit so hard is because of how densly populated we are. There's more people in my small county then many states in the Midwest which are 1000 times the size. That being said, yeah a lot of people have rocks in their heads around here lol. I have no hate for the south!
Well I`m not so sure that is the real reason. Even though I`m located at the other side of the Pacific, Tokyo with a population of 13,000,000 and the greater Tokyo area with almost 40,000,000 has not seen any numbers as NJ has. And I can tell you Tokyo is a lot more dense populated then NJ.

That's fair. Japan was also ahead of this and knew it was coming from what I read, and I think overall their culture just does better with cleanliness and how to prepare for something like this. Who knows what is true. A lot of people that work in NYC live in NJ. The subways and buses were already a terrible place to go in good times since they were just a cesspool of homeless piss and crap. I think the way this area handled the nursing homes was pretty horrific as well. My Grandma tested positive in the hospital and they released her back to her nursing home almost immediately and she passed about 2 weeks later.