General > M&R

How does your flash attached to your Diamondback?

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You buy a bracket from M&R and it hangs on the flood and squeege bars.  Bracket is pretty small and expensive.
I'll try and remember to take a picture of it.

Mr Tees!!:
...what happens when they chop?

By running the chopper stroke adjustment all the way down to "zero" they can not go up or down. They are mechanical stops for the travel, they are locked and can not move.


--- Quote from: Binkspot on May 05, 2013, 06:56:22 AM ---By running the chopper stroke adjustment all the way down to "zero" they can not go up or down. They are mechanical stops for the travel, they are locked and can not move.

--- End quote ---

I think your right.  Dave from Bimm Ridder was there to help when I did mine and I think that is what he did.


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