It's always really cool when one sees a 'younger one' reach an epiphany point.
I remember a few I discovered myself, and I think I was around when alot of cool folks
I know from this crowd had epiphanies of their own.
Honestly Tom, I don't want to be the dickhead here. but no-one who matters is worried.
On alot of other forums, you will get folks talkin' alot of smack cause 'they know so much'
they're gonna bill you for it.
Hence perhaps, your belief that 'there is disinformation out there'.
Well, yes there is, there is alot of it out there.
If I had heard any of that around here, I'd either start being a real **** , or just leave.
I'm still here, and hopefully, I'm not perceived as a ****.
Keep working on the HSB space though, cause..I already know a thing or two about color models,
and screenprinting, and seperations, and Corel, Adobe, and all sorts of stuff about art.
You're on a good track.
Tell people I don't know sh*t from shine, because you realized something many of us have known
for some time, then tell folks we lie about it?
Not cool.
Just sayin.
* and my spelling still sucks