Author Topic: Confessions of a Corelian  (Read 2758 times)


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Confessions of a Corelian
« on: April 20, 2013, 10:38:06 PM »
Some years ago I was an Art Director at a 2.5 million dollar a year screen printing shop. In the evenings and on the weekends I started a small Corel website. and really at that time I was not very advanced. But the Corel crowd enjoyed the tutorials.... When I started that website I did not have a business in mind I was just trying to help people. Here we are 7 years later and we are opening up high end raster in DRAW and presenting new relevant information to an Industry that needs it.

I have tried to stay true to my original objectives helping people understand graphic design. Over the years I have developed some products but only things that I would want in my tool kit.

In these forums I have not been talking about or teaching with my products. I have been trying to stay true to my original objectives. I believe you need to understand color more than I need to sell you something. All of which may even cause my sales to be lower but your understanding of color is more important than my wallet.

Do I need to stop selling products to share? Do I need to focus only on my products.. Honestly I am much more focused on what you need to understand in color than I am on my products. I could spend all my time marketing. But sales are not the bottom line. The bottom line is that you understand color with or without my products.

I am well aware that both my artistic and teaching gifts are gifts that were given to me freely. I try to share as much as I can freely. If we walk away with understanding that was imparted freely as I received freely then we all win. Because the more I teach the more I learn and the more learn the more I teach that is how these gifts work. That is why 7 years later CorelDRAW is the go to app for raster seps because you reap what you sow and what goes around comes around. Sow understanding and what comes back is understanding.

Some of the information coming forth is making some people nervous. It should because everything relating to color is about to change big time. But you need to look at the needs of the many and go with the flow, think outside of the box. A short time ago Kodak once the world leaders in color and photography went bankrupt. Why did that happen? They did not adapt to change. Will you adapt?

There is allot of science and math being talked about around here. Which is good but honestly before all this is done it will be simplified in ways that will open your eyes and understanding. It really is simple and I will continue to demonstrate that step by step.

« Last Edit: April 20, 2013, 11:05:33 PM by AdvancedArtist »

Offline Chadwick

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Re: Confessions of a Corelian
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2013, 01:15:19 AM »
It's always really cool when one sees a 'younger one' reach an epiphany point.
I remember a few I discovered myself, and I think I was around when alot of cool folks
I know from this crowd had epiphanies of their own.

Honestly Tom, I don't want to be the dickhead here. but no-one who matters is worried.
On alot of other forums, you will get folks talkin' alot of smack cause 'they know so much'
they're gonna bill you for it.
Hence perhaps, your belief that 'there is disinformation out there'.

Well, yes there is, there is alot of it out there.

If I had heard any of that around here, I'd either start being a real **** , or just leave.
I'm still here, and hopefully, I'm not perceived as a ****.

Keep working on the HSB space though, cause..I already know a thing or two about color models,
and screenprinting,  and seperations, and Corel, Adobe, and all sorts of stuff about art.
You're on a good track.

Tell people I don't know sh*t from shine, because you realized something many of us have known
for some time, then tell folks we lie about it?

Not cool.

Just sayin.

* and my spelling still sucks
« Last Edit: April 21, 2013, 01:21:51 AM by Chadwick »


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Re: Confessions of a Corelian
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2013, 04:28:08 AM »

Honestly Tom, I don't want to be the dickhead here. but no-one who matters is worried.

Sounds like the Kodak board room to me...

Offline Chadwick

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Re: Confessions of a Corelian
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2013, 05:13:17 AM »
See..this is why I try not to get involved.
Did you read anything I wrote past that?

Go hard.


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Re: Confessions of a Corelian
« Reply #4 on: April 23, 2013, 09:53:03 PM »
I kinda stopped at the dick head thing but since you know all this, then why did you leave the rest of us in the dark if you knew these things? And maybe you can tell me about who matters?

Offline Denis Kolar

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Re: Confessions of a Corelian
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2013, 10:01:06 PM »
Can you guys get a room :)

I guess i missed something from the past. Nevermind....
Keep going


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Re: Confessions of a Corelian
« Reply #6 on: April 23, 2013, 10:04:53 PM »
LOL I am a ladies man be sure about that.. and there is no history here that is for sure.