Artist > General Art Discussions

Their used to be a car illustrating tutorial

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--- Quote from: Chadwick on April 21, 2011, 09:01:51 PM ---Unfortunately, the question is a little general for a specific answer..
There are alot of great car illustration tutorials out there.
But yeah, definitely check out Jeri's tuts. She rips.

On a semi-related note, most tutorials can only show you how to twist a wrench.
'art' or 'vision' or 'whatever' must come from within. Tutorials teach mechanics.
Inspiration is much more illusive.
.02 for the topic.

Cheers man.
Hope you find what you seek.

--- End quote ---

There's no 2 ways about it that the inspiration in the art is everything, but then it has to be pulled off by wrench turners. There's an art to that as well. My personal inspirations make me want to play music, but my appreciation for art, (but lack of creative artistry) makes me work as a mechanic in the graphics world, and I still love it even after 35+ years. My creations for simple work run from the standard sports design to slightly more complicated, but I most enjoy figuring out how to make an artist's work shine on a shirt. In music, there is a score, but the playing of the score is where it's at. In photography, there is the negative, where the information is captured, but the print is the performance. For me, screening is the performance in which we try to hold true to the designer's ideals.


Well put Steve.


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