Artist > General Art Discussions
Their used to be a car illustrating tutorial
I can't remember if I bought this thing or if it came from the internet, but I used to have a very good tutorial on how the great illustrators do their cars. It was a step-by-step deal. I have looked everywhere and can't find it. ANyone know where I can find this or have one I could buy?
So, anyone at Badbonz, does Jeri still have tutes?
i checked out badbonz for the first time the other day jjeri has her car tutorial posted in tips and tricks she does a 69 mustang AMAZING i've been practicing on a 86 buick grand national had to redo half of it after looking at her tut. the tutorial is pdf.
Jeri was gracious enough to give us most of her goodies, which I proceeded to put on to help other artists and shops. Most everything is in PDF format so you can print it out and read it while you're working away on the computer! Be sure at the very least to leave her an email and tell her thanks for the contribution!
Unfortunately, the question is a little general for a specific answer..
There are alot of great car illustration tutorials out there.
But yeah, definitely check out Jeri's tuts. She rips.
On a semi-related note, most tutorials can only show you how to twist a wrench.
'art' or 'vision' or 'whatever' must come from within. Tutorials teach mechanics.
Inspiration is much more illusive.
.02 for the topic.
Cheers man.
Hope you find what you seek.
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