Ok a departure from all the WB stuff. Prints like these are often difficult . Trying to match a painting from a scan using a seps program is daunting at best. And here very few primary and secondary colors, and an abundance of tertiaries. Many seps programs see CMY and sometimes K in everything, causing certain areas to give off the wrong hue while other areas are spot on. Here the program detects yellow in the sky. Not good. While we can go back and isolate the sky and adjust saturation there is no time. Luckily we isolated the sky and taped it out on press. Also the overall saturation in the yellow and cyan was too strong. Acommon bandaid is to base back the process colors with halftone base, in this case a 60/40 ink to base ratio. It is as close a replica as I have come, in this case we had the artist and actual painting here on sight. Classic bandaids but they work