Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Hey... I gots the Anatol shirt. Can't remember at which trade show but it is a nice design and print.
Ben, I'm glad you took my advise to join this board.And thanks for the seps you've done for us last week, they came out great.
Heck yeah, let's get all of your industry friends and colleagues from the Land of the Rising Sun over here! You 'furruners" help spread out our post times and keep it going all day!Heck, according to my figuring, I just finished lunch, and you may not even have had breakfast yet.
Wow, outstanding work. I know nothing much about that Gears of War game but I know that from your phone photo, the detail in that print is just amazing. Great overall color tones and range as well, great stuff.
Feel free to take a look at my website http://www.risingsungraphics.com to see a few examples of what I can provide. You can also contact me directly there. If you don't dig clicking links, here's a picture of my feet.