Author Topic: Curiosity  (Read 26185 times)


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Re: Curiosity
« Reply #60 on: April 09, 2013, 11:36:23 PM »
If you (one man shop) printers focused on learning separations, your business would slowly fail due to a lack of attention (on your business).

Lets start here....

This is absolutely very very bad advice.. Separations are a piece of cake in CorelDRAW with the Wide Gamut CMYK color model. Separation can be very difficult in PhotoShop because of color space issues. Period!

The difficulties in separations and understanding color do exist in PhotoShop those issues are not encountered with CorelDRAW.

These are facts not opinions.

Reality knocking....

If you the one man shop understand color and HSB in CorelDRAW you might just find yourself taking large dollar orders from big shops with Adobe art departments. As an educated informed CorelDRAW user.

Case in point...

Ryan a small CorelDRAW shop has a potential client stop by the shop with a design that needed a Sim Process style separation. Ryan loads image into draw takes it apart with HSB and quotes the client 4 colors and X$$$. Ryan trained by me understands color. Turns out the guy had just been down the street with the PhotoShop guys and they had quoted 12 colors for $XXXXXXXXX. Ryan gets the 4 digits order and the client.

So my advice is this.. Learn color and eat your competition for breakfast even if you are one man shop. Period!

Also please stop complicating the rest of the Industry with the difficulties you have in PhotoShop.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 12:21:02 AM by AdvancedArtist »


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Re: Curiosity
« Reply #61 on: April 10, 2013, 12:59:02 AM »
Time for a music break...
Godsmack - Cryin' Like A Bitch!!

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Re: Curiosity
« Reply #62 on: April 10, 2013, 07:44:08 AM »
Like I said. I used to simply think you were an angry person. Now, I come to realize you just don't know what you don't know and I feel your issues may lay a little deeper. I hope for the best for you and your business.

I hope your product is as fantastic as your struggle to make everyone believe it is.

You sell Corel and much of the screen print business is Corel. You feel a need to defend Corel. Other people sell Corel and love Corel but you don't see them bashing other programs, users and methods.
We do not get to see them get angry, spiteful, hateful and disrespectful. The truth is, your product is just another auto sep program. Simple as that. Just another. You should try marketing it on its merits and stop adding in your person. Your making your product unattactive.

Please remember where you are and be a decent business person. Remember to not crap in my living room.
Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail

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Re: Curiosity
« Reply #63 on: April 10, 2013, 09:01:46 AM »
Case in point...

Ryan a small CorelDRAW shop has a potential client stop by the shop with a design that needed a Sim Process style separation. Ryan loads image into draw takes it apart with HSB and quotes the client 4 colors and X$$$. Ryan trained by me understands color. Turns out the guy had just been down the street with the PhotoShop guys and they had quoted 12 colors for $XXXXXXXXX. Ryan gets the 4 digits order and the client.

Does this mean free training coming my way ;D

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Re: Curiosity
« Reply #64 on: April 10, 2013, 09:08:13 AM »
I agree with Dan, I love Corel, it's a great program that is easily modified into what I need it to be.  Macros make workflow much faster and easier.

These are all tools that allow us to finish a task/complete a job, that's it, they are nothing more.  I had a friend that built an amazing V-8 MGB with tools from K-mart(before Craftsman).  He didn't have anything that fancy, he used the tools he had and turned out a really cool car.

That being said, Simple Seps Raster is a product I own.  Between QuickSeps, Easy Art and Simple Seps Raster, my hands down favorite is Simple Seps Raster.  I do less fidgeting with seps from that program than any other.  I've printed a few designs from it and they worked perfect the first time.  The really tough stuff still goes to dan...heck I sent dan a vector file last week to sep...I just couldn't figure out how to print it.  It was a crazy design and mas damn near simulated process in vector.

Oh, and if I use Dan to complete my tasks for me, does that make him a tool? ;)

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Re: Curiosity
« Reply #65 on: April 10, 2013, 09:24:29 AM »
Get more bee's with honey.  I think the approach if off here for sure. 

I will continue to use Dan when I need some seps that I don't trust myself on.  Which has only been 2 times but I was happy both times. 
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Offline inkman996

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Re: Curiosity
« Reply #66 on: April 10, 2013, 10:01:37 AM »
I would love to see a plug in sep the blood moon job Dan did for Pierre and match. Uh never mind thats like saying astronauts are not needed because they can train monkeys to fly the space shuttle.
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Re: Curiosity
« Reply #67 on: April 10, 2013, 10:09:35 AM »
I've been enjoying this discussion immensely; if only I could actually load Corel Draw onto my PC in the office, I might actually be able to look more closely, but as my request for help yesterday explained, I simply can't get it done, it won't work, no matter who tries to help. Why won't Corel simply port to Mac, what's the BFD? (can you tell I'm averse to PC's?)


Mike, yes, a plug-in that will mix halftones and dither (index) would be cool. I'd like to be fair to Tom though, as he has invested a ton of time and energy coming up with something meant to help us, and like a singer at an audition, is being cut off halfway through the song and told "Thanks, we'll be in touch."
Even though my PC and Corel are pissing me off to no end, I still would like to give it a shot. Tom, relax, things take time, and time moves pretty fast.
I made a mistake once; I thought I was wrong about something; I wasn't

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Re: Curiosity
« Reply #68 on: April 10, 2013, 10:44:44 AM »
Don't get me wrong Steve I think his software for sepping is pretty awesome. Its his gorilla marketing that sucks.
"No man is an island"

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Re: Curiosity
« Reply #69 on: April 10, 2013, 11:02:53 AM »
Yeah, I gotta chime in here as well.
I generally love Tom's participation here since I use CorelDRAW, and he has had a lot to contribute to the Corel world.
It's pretty obvious that beyond "curiosity" this thread is part of a thinly veiled sales campaign, but threre has been just enough general separation information that I let it stand and stay in this section.
However, like the regular scheduled cesspool of our national, state, and local elections, we see that most candidates just won't take the effort to stand on their own merits, and resort to attacks and negative campaigns.
Unfortunately, I see this in this particular "campaign" as well.

Now, I am not privy to detailed history of possible bad blood, nor Tom's marketing background or sales presentation techniques in the past, but I truly wish that his presentation could focus more on why one should consider his products rather than why folks should avoid others.
Negative campaigning or ads are often a fine line, and hard to define sometimes, but we all pretty much know the difference when we see it.

So Tom, tell us what you got, make your presentation, maybe offer a discount to TSB members, and please stick around to post about Corel techniques and problems in general.
You are a true asset, and I know that your products can stand on their own qualities.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

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Re: Curiosity
« Reply #70 on: April 10, 2013, 11:05:34 AM »
Yeah, I gotta chime in here as well.
I generally love Tom's participation here since I use CorelDRAW, and he has had a lot to contribute to the Corel world.
It's pretty obvious that beyond "curiosity" this thread is part of a thinly veiled sales campaign, but threre has been just enough general separation information that I let it stand and stay in this section.
However, like the regular scheduled cesspool of our national, state, and local elections, we see that most candidates just won't take the effort to stand on their own merits, and resort to attacks and negative campaigns.
Unfortunately, I see this in this particular "campaign" as well.

Now, I am not privy to detailed history of possible bad blood, nor Tom's marketing background or sales presentation techniques in the past, but I truly wish that his presentation could focus more on why one should consider his products rather than why folks should avoid others.
Negative campaigning or ads are often a fine line, and hard to define sometimes, but we all pretty much know the difference when we see it.

So Tom, tell us what you got, make your presentation, maybe offer a discount to TSB members, and please stick around to post about Corel techniques and problems in general.
You are a true asset, and I know that your products can stand on their own qualities.


Its his gorilla marketing that sucks.

Exactly, a board founded on getting away from a that exact type of thing, he thinks it will work here? 
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Re: Curiosity
« Reply #71 on: April 10, 2013, 11:11:35 AM »
Let me share a few things here....

A little background first.

Last fall myself and Jeff my associate where looking at color and Jeff brought me into some understand about all this. I said Jeff we might be able to do this in CorelDRAW and we started digging around in DRAW and color. First thing Jeff is doubtful that DRAW can separate but starts looking at it. Within a few days BAM the whole thing starts to open up. Both of us were in complete shock as we realized that according to the PS pro crowd you cannot do this in CorelDRAW but there we were easier and faster with better results.

So I try to take this information public...

I end up with the other plugin guy trolling my youtube channel and hurling insults at me and CorelDRAW even to the point where his fake t-shirtforums account get discovered and banned. I receive regular emails with comments like "only a fag would use CorelDRAW" relating the separation training video. I have been referred to as a creep, dog squeeze and cat piss in public social environments relating to all this and the list goes on.

All this after realizing we could have been doing this 16 years ago in DRAW if we had NOT been listening to the opinions of these so called gurus that in reality had little or no idea about what they were even talking about.

Now we have a circumstance in this industry where a few have come to believe that they have some special powers relating to separations and color in PhotoShop. Typically these are the same folks that told us for years this is can only be done in PhotoShop. In reality the only reason it could only be done in PhotoShop is because it was being done the wrong way.

Dealing with Urban Legends as I call them.. I have found to be very difficult and will get you into some controversial situations for sure.

But soon this will all be part of the past as we are working on the training series and videos that will finally put all this controversy to bed once and for all. And the way color and color separations are dealt with in this industry will be settled into easy to understand standards and methods that will be approachable by anyone at any level. Because it really is easy if it is approached correctly.

Tom, I don't approve of "other plug-in guys" attacking you on other forums or your Youtube channel. It ain't gonna happen here, nor is your retaliation. This is TSB, and we just don't play that way here.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 11:37:29 AM by Frog »

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Re: Curiosity
« Reply #72 on: April 10, 2013, 11:23:55 AM »
Design, Illustration and Color Separation for the Imprinted Apparel Industry for over 20 years.
 Custom art not in the budget? Check out Bad Bonz Designs

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Re: Curiosity
« Reply #73 on: April 10, 2013, 11:27:21 AM »

You must be tapped into my computer, LOL!
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline inkman996

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Re: Curiosity
« Reply #74 on: April 10, 2013, 11:29:43 AM »
The only controvery I see really is the one you have created. Using statements like ignorant, being lied to and so on is what is creating the buzz you want even tho it is negative. I do not recall any photoshop pro ever saying Corel cannot do something and you know why? Because none of those guys use Corel ha! My question is why do you place all this blame on photoshop users and plug -in makers? Why is it their fault that Corel has never been seen as a viable color separator? Its not their fault for using the software they either chose to use or were trained in. Its not their fault for using a software that is simply unbeatable when it comes to a lot of other things that has nothing to do with screen printing.

Maybe Corel should receive some of your wrath for not promoting their ability to separate as equal as Photoshop.

As once said already you would be better off using the honey instead of the vinegar.
"No man is an island"