screen printing > Separations

Great Separations Video

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I've heard others say good things about Camtasia. When I bought my SnapsPro, it was about 60-80.00 and worked on Macs. I do think that is a part of my YouTube issues.

I am going to get Camtasia soon. It only runs on PC last I read.

Speaking of how people do things differently, the most unique way the I found fir anyone separating out of Photoshop was this way.

Creating all of the art in CMYK or RGB  layers,
Then knocking them out of each other,
Then stripping the color out (desaturate) so that you only have black white art (on each layer).
Then print.

I've never tried it. I know it's not the best way, but it is (a way).  They don't go into channels but to me, channels are (the way).


--- Quote from: Dottonedan on June 29, 2011, 07:30:49 AM ---I've heard others say good things about Camtasia. When I bought my SnapsPro, it was about 60-80.00 and worked on Macs. I do think that is a part of my YouTube issues.

I am going to get Camtasia soon. It only runs on PC last I read.

--- End quote ---

Dan, right on that link he posted is 1 for PC and 1 for Mac.  Check it out.

Personally, I think it is silly to create separations on solid graphics and type in a bitmap editor. even at the highest dpi output, the file will not be as exacting butt register as post script. especially depending on you use of anti aliasing. Then throw in a 45- 55 dpi pattern for tints, or tones & you render  resolution over 110 usless.......

Photoshop is best for photographs or halftones.
this is the quote under the vid....."I keep hearing how screen printers can't print without a vector image. I show you how to separate a flattened jpeg into a layered, print ready PSD file. Fun fun!"

I have issues with both those statements.. first off the guy believes everything he hears. " Can't print without vector" Al-rightly then. ::)

Print ready? Not!!! print ready means I send it to print..... not turn on a layer, send to print, turn off, turn on another send to print, repeat......... repeat.... repeat....

Like Dan said, I'm sure this will work fine for some... Just like printing process on wood frames and a hand press.

We still do our rasters in PS, separate into channels, then import to Illustrator for addition of text and output. I know some have said that since computers now have greater power you can do the whole thing in PS, but we still find we have cleaner edges with the vector text without having to have a very high res PS image. At 55 line, 110 ppi is all that's really necessary for rasters, at least that's what I read then proved by trying it out.



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