Author Topic: Great Separations Video  (Read 11510 times)

Offline Screened Gear

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Great Separations Video
« on: June 25, 2011, 03:43:42 AM »
Spot Color Separations In Photoshop

This is a video I came across some where. Thought people would like to see it. (Dan is this how you do your seps?)

Offline DraginInk

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Re: Great Separations Video
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2011, 06:19:35 PM »
Goes to show there are more than a few ways to skin a cat (ewww) or create spot seps from PS. Personally I would do that in channels by creating "new spot channel" for each color. I always output channels anyway sooo....

I remember that tut from a couple years ago too.
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Offline blue moon

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Re: Great Separations Video
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2011, 06:32:38 PM »
Goes to show there are more than a few ways to skin a cat (ewww) or create spot seps from PS. Personally I would do that in channels by creating "new spot channel" for each color. I always output channels anyway sooo....

I remember that tut from a couple years ago too.

agreed! I would also do few things differently, but it is always very educational watching somebody proficient with a program go through it! I always learn something new by watching other ppl separating. It would be cool to have Dan record one of his sep jobs. I've watched him do several and it never ceases to amaze me. There is so much stuff that is over my head, and I have gotten better than decent with PS recently.
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Re: Great Separations Video
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2011, 06:49:39 PM »
Watched this last night. Great tutorial. We always sep to channels and stick it on out illustrator template. I did like how he did the halftones in PS though. We always let accurip handle it. I think i might give this a shot though.
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Offline JBLUE

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Re: Great Separations Video
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2011, 06:57:01 PM »
Heres another one that is pretty good one. It a 6 or 7 part series. Shows you the underbase as well. They have been out for a while but they are still good. Just scroll down a bit and you will find the TUTS.

I too would like to see a sep vid from some of the other guys around here. There are so many different ways to get to the same spot and its nice to see the different methods.

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Offline DraginInk

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Re: Great Separations Video
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2011, 07:16:29 PM »
I completely agree with learning from others methods. Most of us would still be *cutting ruby, using rub on letters and burning 110 mesh on wooden frames* if we didn't learn from the ways of others... :)

*not that there is anything wrong with that*

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Offline inkman996

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Re: Great Separations Video
« Reply #6 on: June 26, 2011, 07:17:07 PM »
One great tip he had that I never seen before was the combining of duplicate layers to get rid of the artifacts!  I would always end up cleaning that up by hand ugh.
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Offline Homer

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Re: Great Separations Video
« Reply #7 on: June 26, 2011, 07:43:20 PM »
very cool technique. I like channels so I can work in the color I am printing, I can make adjustments as I go, this way seems a bit harder to follow along with because everything is black, but still a good tut. I'd like to see one from Dan too, I have a hard time with fills in the 1-2% range, can never get rid of those suckers without erasing it.
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Offline shellyky

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Re: Great Separations Video
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2011, 04:18:44 PM »
thanks for posting!  I've been doing the "select similar" which i guess is the same thing essentially but the "gap" drives me nuts. i'll give this a try on tomorrows job maybe and see how it goes.

BTW here's a 4CP video from the same guy
4-Color Process Separations In Photoshop

Offline inkman996

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Re: Great Separations Video
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2011, 04:32:41 PM »
I was wondering about the gaps myself and what a pain to have to always edit them. My thought is this if it is only 1 pixel gaps wouldnt press gain make  up for that typically? Also if you are printing a multi color on a base wouldnt that 1 pixel gap make a great reverse trap or gutter even to keep things sharp?

I dont know about others here but I detest trapping, I never trap anything, to me a trap looks worse than a slight case of shirt peeking through and most of the time press gain helps that out anyways.
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Re: Great Separations Video
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2011, 06:33:14 PM »
I also take the seps into channels instead. Six of one, a half dozen of the other I guess. I haven't had a chance to watch it all yet, hopefully I can view it later. I tend to like the magic wand or quick selection tools more than Color Range, but I've been using Color Range more of late.

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Re: Great Separations Video
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2011, 07:42:29 PM »
I am wondering if I should even mention this as it would seem negative toward this guy. It's not intended to be. O'm a bit jelous that people can even make vids. I try and FAIL.  The only way I've been successful has been using the Ihone video recorder. I watched this one for a while. I got half way through and found 4 things that I would NOT do. I guess this is like a printer watching others teach someone how to print and you know it's just not a good idea that way.

It's true you can watch a vid and start making seps. To what quality or level is questionable.My analogy of this would be those screen printers who describe to newbs how to cure your shirts in your kitchen oven and print 4 color process on a home made wooden press.  You can, but it's just is not that good of a process. I guess as long as your doing your own seps it's a good thing and that makes it valuable.

I have never had the time for making vids as much as I try. I want to, but never get around to it. When I try, I can never get the sound to jive right. It used to not stay in sink but now, I can't even get Youtube to include my sound.  I read every stage of how to set up a vid properly in youtube but still can't get it right. I even had some vids up on youtube that did work with sound as I tested but came back a few days later only to find them with no sound. I got tired of it. :-[
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Offline JBLUE

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Re: Great Separations Video
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2011, 08:06:19 PM »
I am wondering if I should even mention this as it would seem negative toward this guy. It's not intended to be. O'm a bit jelous that people can even make vids. I try and FAIL.  The only way I've been successful has been using the Ihone video recorder. I watched this one for a while. I got half way through and found 4 things that I would NOT do. I guess this is like a printer watching others teach someone how to print and you know it's just not a good idea that way.

Care to elaborate on why you would not do those four things that you are talking about? You have my attention ;D

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Offline Chadwick

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Re: Great Separations Video
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2011, 08:47:07 PM »
As was mentioned, there's many ways to skin a cat.
I don't agree with many peoples interpretations of 'standardized' sep methods, BUT,
that is generally down to what it is that I am separating, and how one should skin said cat.
Never hurts to look at other's methods.

*although, watching the second one, I heartily disagree with most presented.
Even though it sounds similar to what I do, it ain't.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2011, 09:17:43 PM by Chadwick »

Offline inkbrigade

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Re: Great Separations Video
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2011, 02:55:43 AM »
I am wondering if I should even mention this as it would seem negative toward this guy. It's not intended to be. O'm a bit jelous that people can even make vids. I try and FAIL. 

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