Author Topic: Like printing on a golf ball-or craters--like on the moon....  (Read 2501 times)

Offline Sbrem

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Re: Like printing on a golf ball-or craters--like on the moon....
« Reply #15 on: March 19, 2013, 02:13:57 PM »
if it's small quantities, you could always go sublimation.

On White Shirts, that would work and we probably oughta just go ahead and  do that.

But there are red shirts and black shirts too.

Tony, what meshes would you use? 
     The Black Shirts get Red and White, the Red will need an underbase
     Red Shirts get Black and White (as shown in the bulldog.pdf attachment)
     White Shirts get Red and Black (but I might go ahead and sublimate those)

Sonny called and suggested Russell Gray through 196 for the underbase under the red ink on the black shirts, and 110 for the rest....TO CLEAR THE MESH WITH ONE PASS.

@ Sbrem  I've got to work on my transfer skills. And it's the powdering that causes some of the problems.  A little of it stays on the paper where I don't want it.  And the art is just like the slice I posted in the OP....except the above color changes.  My paper is Super Trans B  but I don't always get a clean release.

Yes, the powdering is a little tricky. For that image I would put the black down, the white covering everything, and do a cold peel. However, even after the transfer explanation, we would print them here. If they are a little bumpy, it's the nature of the beast. For meshes, I'd have the black on 140 and the white on a 110S, and that's a poly white obviously.

I made a mistake once; I thought I was wrong about something; I wasn't