screen printing > Waterbase and Discharge
2 new clips of the week
Both of these sepped as CMYK. On the Corset we ditched the cyan and yellow for a monochromatic look. 55 lpi 305 mesh discharge.
For the Burlesque print we ditched the black and cyan. I mixed a flesh discharge for the yellow and rich scarlet for the magenta. "Museum of Sex logo taken from google, then blown up to purposely blur it. A discharge orange slurry was made and sprayed across her before sending down the dryer.
Did you forget to attach them ?
blue moon:
--- Quote from: Northland on June 24, 2011, 12:41:09 PM ---Did you forget to attach them ?
--- End quote ---
I had them and it took whole 20 sec to attach, but you beat us to it!!!!
Denis Kolar:
blue moon:
they bot look great Tony!
I love the discharge spray effect, too. It brings so much to the shirt and it is so easy to do.
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