For us, also 7.5 horse screw/chiller/tank, 3/4" line. Prob not an air supply issue for us at least, surprised how little the compressor kicks on actually. The rods on our stroke cylinders feel very well lubed to me and I think the oiler is running fine from watching it when I set it, if anything it may have been over oiling. Our flood seems fine but the stroke "chatter" is more like the stroke cylinder starts pulling and the blade hangs out and can't move (at some speeds) or comes slowly and then speeds up, like it's caught on the squeegee edge and can't break the surface tension. Probably just the nature of air heads but I could see where a stronger stroke cylinder might be the missing link. I mean, if you beef up the choppers but the stroke cyl can't pull them consistently at that pressure, well what's the point?
On the valves I was kind of thinking I should've just bought a brand new mac valve bank for this thing instead of the two single 45a's I have coming. It would eliminate a lot for trouble shooting.