screen printing > Non Textile

Suppliers for flatstock substrates?

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Who's good?  At the moment I'm trying to find EarthFirst PLA or similar and adhesive kraft paper.  Kind of lost on where to look for this stuff.

ol man:
We use MAC papers, Paper plus, and Xpedex.   All distributors of various paper lines

Here in houston we have like 5 or 6 different paper only suppliers.

We got us an Xpedex in the state and I'm actually neighboring a West Coast Papers warehouse.  I thought it would be super handy to have a supplier with a set of screen print friendly substrates as I tend to be flying blind with these guys, they don't sell to screen printers much (at all?) and aren't super clear on the inks/process and how it will/won't work on the substrates. 

I buy from west coast. In my experience, they aren't terribly informed about screenprinting. I can't say that they will be the same where you are though, I hope it's different. When I first went in to get some samples, the sample room guy asked me why I wanted uncoated paper, implying that he thought coated would surely be what I was looking for. Aside from that, they have been pretty helpful and the sample room has been really helpful. I kind of doubt that you will have much looking for the specific things you mentioned. This is one of the suppliers that is roughly four times the price that I am getting at midwest for sticker stock. Maybe I should negotiate, but that's a long way for the price to fall.

A small complaint that I have is that I like to use the estore of my suppliers as much as possible, to at least look up the prices before I phone in an order. West coast's store is pretty sparse. The major things that I need are there, but the specialized papers are generally not represented on the estore.

Well, I can't recall if this is a thing or not, but I think they may even shut down the estore at night. I just went to check if they had the stuff that you were looking for and I can't connect. I tried in another browser and the spot where the login fields would be is blank.


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