Author Topic: What have you printed lately?  (Read 747020 times)

Offline ericheartsu

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Re: What have you printed lately?
« Reply #960 on: November 22, 2013, 11:03:32 AM »
LOL.... At first I thought.... Why did he take a photo of a magazine?. I did not realise it was a print.

I can stare at these prints for hours.

ha, you can also see the custom transfered tag we did for the tee!
Night Owls
Waterbased screen printing and promo products. 281.741.7285

Offline bimmridder

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Re: What have you printed lately?
« Reply #961 on: November 22, 2013, 12:16:47 PM »
Don't have anything to show here, but one of the Minor League Baseball Teams we print for has a pig in their logo. So, per THEIR request,  today I've been testing bacon scented ink. Now I'm hungry for scrambled eggs.
Barth Gimble

Printing  (not well) for 35 years. Strong in licensed sports apparel. Plastisol printer. Located in Cedar Rapids, IA

Offline Frog

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Re: What have you printed lately?
« Reply #962 on: November 22, 2013, 12:37:50 PM »
Not really cool art work but to see your work in a MLB Pittsburgh Pirates locker room worn by the players and coach is cool.....

Most enlightening to see that the Pirates don't automatically support the Penguins and are San Jose Hockey fans.
Go Sharks!  :o  ;)
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline GaryG

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Re: What have you printed lately?
« Reply #963 on: November 22, 2013, 12:44:05 PM »
For Giligan- "Like" :)

Offline DannyGruninger

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Re: What have you printed lately?
« Reply #964 on: November 22, 2013, 01:32:49 PM »
Here's another one we are printing today...... Came out pretty nice, this one is customer supplied artwork. Ended up pulling a color out of the sep on this so this is 8 colors total including 2 whites and a black. Had to print on both white and black shirts so we needed the black in there..... The orange color is just red/yellow blends on this one, no orange color printed.

Danny Gruninger
Denver Print House / Lakewood Colorado

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Re: What have you printed lately?
« Reply #965 on: November 22, 2013, 01:33:56 PM »
Danny I swear I am coming to your shop and your teaching me all you know.. 

Brandt | Graphic Disorder |
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Offline DannyGruninger

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Re: What have you printed lately?
« Reply #966 on: November 22, 2013, 01:45:51 PM »
Danny I swear I am coming to your shop and your teaching me all you know.. 


LOL, you aren't going to learn very much..... that's the truth! haha.....
Danny Gruninger
Denver Print House / Lakewood Colorado

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Re: What have you printed lately?
« Reply #967 on: November 22, 2013, 01:46:38 PM »
Danny I swear I am coming to your shop and your teaching me all you know.. 


LOL, you aren't going to learn very much..... that's the truth! haha.....

Well if the difference from where I am to where you are isn't very much then by all means my body is ready. 
Brandt | Graphic Disorder |
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Offline Gilligan

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Re: What have you printed lately?
« Reply #968 on: November 22, 2013, 03:32:21 PM »

Offline Dottonedan

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Re: What have you printed lately?
« Reply #969 on: November 22, 2013, 04:52:27 PM »
Good print on the car tee Danny.  Takes a lot of good sep work to get a good print from someone elses art like this.
Artist & high end separator, Owner of The Vinyl Hub, Owner of Dot-Tone-Designs, Past M&R Digital tech installer for I-Image machines. Over 35 yrs in the apparel industry. e-mail

Offline alan802

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Re: What have you printed lately?
« Reply #970 on: November 23, 2013, 04:57:24 PM »
Here's another one we are printing today...... Came out pretty nice, this one is customer supplied artwork. Ended up pulling a color out of the sep on this so this is 8 colors total including 2 whites and a black. Had to print on both white and black shirts so we needed the black in there..... The orange color is just red/yellow blends on this one, no orange color printed.

Did you have any issues getting that orange right or did it look right from the start?  Years ago before any of us knew what we were doing we struggled on a job where yellow and red we're mixing to create orange and we fought that job for more than a few hours.  We had the 8 color centurian at the time and had one empty print head and just made the orange a spot color.  Only recently have we tried creating orange without the spot color and the last job came out great but the job before that did not.  Similar setup and same guy doing the seps but completely different results. 

I still think flesh tones are tough and oranges as well, but I remember the days 5 years ago where everything was difficult.  Some of the stuff that we don't even think about nowadays would have taken up half a day of shop time to just set up 5 years ago.
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Offline DannyGruninger

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Re: What have you printed lately?
« Reply #971 on: November 24, 2013, 06:39:23 PM »
Here's another one we are printing today...... Came out pretty nice, this one is customer supplied artwork. Ended up pulling a color out of the sep on this so this is 8 colors total including 2 whites and a black. Had to print on both white and black shirts so we needed the black in there..... The orange color is just red/yellow blends on this one, no orange color printed.

Did you have any issues getting that orange right or did it look right from the start?  Years ago before any of us knew what we were doing we struggled on a job where yellow and red we're mixing to create orange and we fought that job for more than a few hours.  We had the 8 color centurian at the time and had one empty print head and just made the orange a spot color.  Only recently have we tried creating orange without the spot color and the last job came out great but the job before that did not.  Similar setup and same guy doing the seps but completely different results. 

I still think flesh tones are tough and oranges as well, but I remember the days 5 years ago where everything was difficult.  Some of the stuff that we don't even think about nowadays would have taken up half a day of shop time to just set up 5 years ago.

Alan, for this print and most we are doing now we setup on press, do a couple test prints to dial in registration/let ink start flowing then print. Rarely are we making many changes these days but a few years ago we would be burning new screens, mixing new colors, you name it LOL..... I can totally relate to your last comment as that's where I was not too long ago! Learning curve has been cut down just from testing it seems, but a couple basic things that have helped me with the blends to get a good orange. Most always we print yellow after red(even on this sep artist wanted red after yellow if I remember correctly but I'm almost always setting on press red then yellow), and the yellow ink gets roughly 10% more halftone base added to the ink to help the transition of the blends. The biggest factor for us in getting great blends has been the actual ink we are using, high tension mesh, and very sharp blades but typically we print the dark color of the fade first and let the lighter color transition on top of it. Right now I have an ink deal with WM plastics and contractually we are only allowed to print their inks so thats what we are using and I've been happy with their inks for sim process combined with a couple bases they offer in order to get decent blends like that orange above. Ink is probably the biggest key though getting the transparency of it correct, as you already knew. No magic here, just mixing inks right and having your stuff on press dialed in to get those results.
Danny Gruninger
Denver Print House / Lakewood Colorado

Offline dirkdiggler

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Re: What have you printed lately?
« Reply #972 on: November 24, 2013, 08:45:32 PM »
Here's another one we are printing today...... Came out pretty nice, this one is customer supplied artwork. Ended up pulling a color out of the sep on this so this is 8 colors total including 2 whites and a black. Had to print on both white and black shirts so we needed the black in there..... The orange color is just red/yellow blends on this one, no orange color printed.

Did you have any issues getting that orange right or did it look right from the start?  Years ago before any of us knew what we were doing we struggled on a job where yellow and red we're mixing to create orange and we fought that job for more than a few hours.  We had the 8 color centurian at the time and had one empty print head and just made the orange a spot color.  Only recently have we tried creating orange without the spot color and the last job came out great but the job before that did not.  Similar setup and same guy doing the seps but completely different results. 

I still think flesh tones are tough and oranges as well, but I remember the days 5 years ago where everything was difficult.  Some of the stuff that we don't even think about nowadays would have taken up half a day of shop time to just set up 5 years ago.

Alan, for this print and most we are doing now we setup on press, do a couple test prints to dial in registration/let ink start flowing then print. Rarely are we making many changes these days but a few years ago we would be burning new screens, mixing new colors, you name it LOL..... I can totally relate to your last comment as that's where I was not too long ago! Learning curve has been cut down just from testing it seems, but a couple basic things that have helped me with the blends to get a good orange. Most always we print yellow after red(even on this sep artist wanted red after yellow if I remember correctly but I'm almost always setting on press red then yellow), and the yellow ink gets roughly 10% more halftone base added to the ink to help the transition of the blends. The biggest factor for us in getting great blends has been the actual ink we are using, high tension mesh, and very sharp blades but typically we print the dark color of the fade first and let the lighter color transition on top of it. Right now I have an ink deal with WM plastics and contractually we are only allowed to print their inks so thats what we are using and I've been happy with their inks for sim process combined with a couple bases they offer in order to get decent blends like that orange above. Ink is probably the biggest key though getting the transparency of it correct, as you already knew. No magic here, just mixing inks right and having your stuff on press dialed in to get those results.

Badass!  Your art is on another level!  Your printing is top notch too.
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Offline Rocfrog

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Re: What have you printed lately?
« Reply #973 on: December 05, 2013, 05:47:48 PM »
Danny I swear I am coming to your shop and your teaching me all you know.. 


Danny's shop is absolutely amazing! I saw this shirt in person and it was great! I'm trying to soak up all I can from him, we are a long ways off from being even close to printing like his shop but we are trying!


Offline ZooCity

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Re: What have you printed lately?
« Reply #974 on: December 09, 2013, 01:43:50 PM »
Another all DC/WB sim process in 6co- White, Black, Blue, Red, Yellow, Purple -on three different shirt colors.  Looked great on all though perceptive color really came into play on the different backgrounds, as you can see .  Dan's incredible skill in getting secondary/tertiary colors out of the seps really shines on this work, I would almost refer to this as hyper-modified CMYK printing, the majority of this color information is happening in three inks.